26. Into the Wild Blue Yonder

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-Luke's PoV-

Ashton had finished writing about an couple hours ago. I didn't want to read what he had wrote, but he said I could when I had asked him. He had fallen asleep sometime between finishing writing and now. I didn't bother waking him up. It was probably harder on him to leave as he had an actual girlfriend. He would never admit it, but I'm pretty sure we all know he's going to eventually marry Sam. No one just walks in someone's live like that and instantly click. It was almost too cliché. Then again, it's really hard to hate Sam. She's not that kind of person.

I had hoped that Jane and I would become closer. I never really thought about it much, but was she really that important to me? When the boys and I were saying goodbye to everyone, Sam whispered to me that I shouldn't waste my time on people that don't notice me before adding that I should be with someone that noticed how amazing I am. I knew she was talking about Jane. It's true, Jane doesn't notice me. I blew off Sam's words at the airport as I was too busy saying goodbye to everyone that would soon be on the other side of the world. Plus, Sam was the one who said that she also wanted me to be with Jane. However, I couldn't stop thinking about those words; I shouldn't waste my time on people that don't notice me.

This is why Ashton and Sam worked so well together. Sam is great at seeing reality while Ashton has trouble seeing through it. Sam is unsure of herself and Ashton is there to keep her grounded. Plus, Ashton needed someone with a little more of a kick. He's an ordinary guy that would never even think of bending the rules. 

Honestly, Sam is one of the most ideal girls, the one that can be at ease in the presence her worst enemy. She might be ready to kill them, but you would never suspect that if you were just watching them. I have to admire her for that, but she's not what I want; after thinking through Sam's advice, I'm not sure what my type is. All I know is that Sam is not my type. Maybe London will do me some good, allow me to get away from the world for a while. Hopefully, I will figure something out. 

Maybe being single would be good. Then I can focus on the band, as it could potentially be my job for the rest of my life. I couldn't help the smile that formed as I thought about it. Doing what I love for the rest of my life would be like living in a dream. It seemed so surreal when I thought about it. I still have a hard time getting over the fact that the music we produce could hold so much meaning to other people. And this is why we made a band. To do what we love while influencing others around us is the most amazing feeling in the entire world. It's even better when someone tells you that they love your music. 

After thinking it through, I started to wonder why I even wanted to be with Jane in the first place. Sure she was an amazing girl who had the looks and countered my personality, but maybe focusing on what was in front of me right now would be good. I'm still young, so I doubt I should be so worried about Jane. All I need to do is focus on what is here and now.


Yeah, okay. Five more hours later and I'm about to call it quits. I admit, I have lost the battle between myself and the airplane. We've been in the air for eight hours and I'm about to die. Airplanes have never bothered me before, but this. This is pathetic. I don't think I have ever been in a plane this long. I'd rather be on the ground. Heck, I'd rather be in the ocean right now. 

"I gotta get up," I muttered. 

I took off my headphones before standing up and going to the back of the plane to the restroom. I didn't really need to go, but I couldn't sit much longer without a break. There were a couple people in front of me so I took the moment to look around. Most people were asleep or on their phones. 

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