One More Clockwork Heart - Chapter 1: "No Problem."

Start from the beginning


Elise stared hard at a blank page of smooth bristol, pencil in hand. The bright white light of the desk lamp messed with her eyes, and she felt a headache coming on. A stack of her books were piled on her desk, the top one reading "Alice in the Country of Hearts."

Everyone else in the house was in bed, and Elise couldn't even think something to draw. There was nothing to draw. In fact, her mind was scarily empty.

Like her creativity was gone...

In fact, she couldn't even think of anything to draw. Nothing at all. Usually she would try and outdo Kayla, or draw something for Zora, but tonight there was no spark.

Frustrated, Elise set her pencil down and turned off the light. She got into bed and closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to worry about anything. The room faded as she slipped into sleep.


Kayla turned her kindle off and sat on her bed in silence. She was on vacation in California, and was rather bored without her friends in New York City. There was nothing to do without Zora texting her at the moment, and Kayla felt oddly sleepy. It was weird, really.

Giving in to her exhausted and overexerted brain, she fell asleep right on top of the covers at 8:30pm. All of her family was still awake.


Zora bit her lip with a blank stare as the ground and the world around turned a flowing greenish-blue. The floor seemed solid, since she was standing on it, but she could see right through it. This didn't particularly worry her as she knew it was a dream. But then again, it reminded her of something, but she couldn't quite remember...

"Z... Um, Zora?" A girl with shortish dark-brown hair that was dyed blue in some places tapped the dark-skinned girl on the shoulder. Zora looked up at the girl.

"Elise! Wait- what the hell are you doing in my dream?" Zora said in surprise.

"Kayla..." Elise pointed behind her. "Is over there. I..." She laughed weakly.

"Remember that manga I showed you on the bus to the field trip our class took to the Berkshire Mountains? How I forced you to read it?"

Zora nodded, suddenly remembering where this was from. "Hey, Kayla! KAYLA! Guess what?! I think this is from that... Alice in the Country of Hearts manga Elise forced us to read like three months ago!!!"

Kayla walked over, her thick brown hair down. "Oh." She replied, unconcerned.

"Hey, girls. Having fun?" All three girls turned at the sound of a calm and smooth masculine voice. They saw nothing. "Over here." The voice said patiently.

They turned again, and Elise put her hands on her hips, upset. "Look here, idiot, where are-"

"Above you, dear."

They all looked up in surprise only to get a face full of blue smoke. Once they were done coughing(Kayla, who was standing farthest from the two girls, inhaled the most smoke and was hacking for several minutes in order to try and expel any of whatever brain-killing toxin she had just inhaled), the floating form of a man with light purple-grey hair, cool light purple eyes, and a pipe appeared. He seemed to be lounging in the air as if he was sitting in a comfortable reclining chair, one hand supporting his elbow on the arm that held his damned pipe. There was a black eyepatch over his right eye, and left was fixed somewhere above them as if they were the least of his worries.

"Oh my God, it's Nightmare! Seriously..." Elise said, looking at her tee shirt. It had several anime characters on it, including Nightmare.

"This is literally the stupidest dream ever." Zora replied. Kayla was frozen, staring at Nightmare in awe.

"I WANNA FLOAT! CAN I FLOAT, TOO?! CAN I TRY THAT?!" Kayla pointed a dramatic finger.

Nightmare laughed lightly. "I'm afraid not, missy."

"Oh." Kayla said, looking slightly put out.

"Sorry..." Elise flashed her a sympathetic look. "I wish- actually, I don't really want to float, so I can't sympathize with you."

"This is the weirdest dream ever." Zora confirmed. "I can't believe my friends are in it."

"Me neither." Kayla replied.

"I can believe that." Elise declared. She looked up at Nightmare. "So? Any reason I'm dreaming about you?"

"Yes... I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet."  All three girls stared at him blankly. Nightmare summoned a biggish glass globe. The mist that swirled inside cleared as an image of a person that looked like a younger and female version of Nightmare appeared. "This is my sister, Indigo. I'm afraid she has... Taken your talents... By stealing your dreams. Um... This happens a lot, but you guys are still into manga and anime... And, I can read your minds, which I know you know, so I figured that since your future careers count on what she stole... I'll give you guys a chance to find her." Nightmare looked slightly embarrassed by his incompetent sister. "She's hiding in the Country of Hearts. I'll give you a week to find her."

"Whoa." Elise said, closing her eyes and opening them again slowly. "So in able for me to be an artist me have to catch this girl?"

"I don't care that much." Kayla said flatly, but Nightmare just smirked condescendingly. Kayla's mind was filling volumes... ...of mostly curse words.

Zora just smiled pleasantly, thinking of various ways to kill people that pissed her off that much.

"One condition-" Nightmare lifted his index finger. "You can't fall in love."

"Why would I want to fall in love?" Kayla asked, completely blown away by the boundaries.

"No problem." Elise hugged Zora's left arm tightly, and Zora smiled.

"NO ONE TOUCHES MY KILLUA!" Zora yelled. The other two girls let out a huff of annoyance as Zora yelled the anime character from Hunter x Hunter who she was already in love with.

Nightmare chuckled and blew another round of smoke rings from his pipe, which the girls narrowly avoided. "Have fun, girls! And don't die!"

"Wait-" Kayla's eyebrows furrowed as the dream world started to fade. "WAIT, WHAT HAPPENS IF WE FALL IN LOVE?"

There was no reply to her possibly fatal question.

Dedicated to my best friends, UminekoMARIA and xPaintx.
Thank you for reading!!!
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