chapter 11

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Harry had to go that day. He promised he would come back after he took a shower and got dressed.

"Bye, Harry." I said. He headed towards the door and looked back at me. "Bye, Ash." He smirked and left.

I took a shower myself and got dressed. I made my plans on how I'd get Rose.

Sophia came into the room. "Hello roommate." She smiled. I smiled back at her.

"Hello." I said, folding my dirty clothes and putting it in the laundry hamper.

"What cha doing?" Sophia sang. "Just a cleaning." I sang back. She nodded, with a smile.

We had small talk, while cleaning. I take the laundry down to the laundry room to clean it.

"Please forgive me, Harry!" Louis' voice called through the laundry room. I peacked my head out to see what was going on.

"No, Lou. She cried in my arms last night because of you." Harry's voice yelled.

I rolled my eyes and went back to cleaning my laundry.

"She was?... oh, I need to talk to her." Louis said. "Don't, Lou. She needs time. You've been friends with her since as long as you've known each other. Just give her time." Harry said, softly.

Louis sighed. "Fine. I will..." Footsteps were heard and then a door shut.

I finished and put them in the dryer. I went over towards the cafè and waited for the dryer to finish up with my clothes.

I got a coffee and I headed back to the laundry room.

My phone went off and I checked the caller ID. Rosie.

"Mummy?" Rose's voice sounded through the receiver. "Baby girl. Hi. Are you okay?" I asked, my heart beating fast.

"Yes. Daddy said 'he'll see you tomorrow.' I love you." She said. I smiled. "I love you too, baby girl." I told her. "Bye, mummy." She said. "Bye, baby girl. I'll see you tomorrow." I told her and she hung up.

I stared at my phone and smiled. The tears made there way to my eyes.

"Ashlee?" Louis' voice made me jump. I looked up at him. "Was that Rose?" He asked. His eyes looked soft and caring. I nodded, crying softly.

He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair.

"Sh... it's okay. You'll see her tomorrow." He said. I nodded, crying in his chest.

After awhile:

Louis left and I went back to my dorm. I fixed my make-up and had some soup.

Sophia's mum bought the things and sent a letter on how to make it. And after Sophia made it we dug in.

There was a knock at the door. I got it. Harry stood there.

"Hi, Harry." I said. "Hey, Ash." He smiled.

I opened the door and stepped out of the way, indicating for him to come in. Which he did.

I smiled, closing the door. "Hey, Sophia? Right?" He asked. Sophia nodded. "Hi, Harry." She smiled and walked over towards her bed.

"So, Ashlee." Harry spun on his heel to look at me. "Yes?" I asked. "Do you want to go do something?" He asked, stiffing his hands in his pockets. "Like, what?" I smiled.

"Like... hmm... um.." He looked down, trying to think. I giggled and stood. "How about we go on a walk?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded.

I smiled and skipped to the door. I slipped on my Nike's and we walked out.

"God, that pizza was amazing." Harry told me about how the pizza Louis brought back was the best.

"Yeah... bet it was..." I mumbled. "Something wrong, love?" Harry cupped my chin, making me look at him. "No.." I lied. "Don't lie, love. What's wrong?" He asked. "He-he was my best friend. I didn't know he has feelings for me." I told him.

"Oh... Love, don't worry. I talked to him today. And I'll talk to him tonight too. Okay?" He places a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we kept walking.


Louis' POV

I walked back to my dorm. I stopped when I saw Niall, Liam and Zayn standing at the door.

"Why?" Liam asked, arms crossed. And I knew exactly what he meant. "I don't know, Payno." I scratched the back of my neck. He sighed.

"Man, you don't kiss your best friend." Niall said, shaking his head. "Don't you think I know that?" I snapped. He jumped. "Niall, I'm sorry. It's just... ugh! I've loved her for... For as long as I've known her." I said, shaking my head.

"Do you love her?" Zayn asked, tilting his head. I nodded. "But she doesn't love me back." I sighed. They pulled me into a hug.

Ashlee's POV

Harry and I walked for awhile, then we went for a car ride. He drove me to a fancy diner which was amazing!

Harry told this mam to get me a pizza, and snapped at him for staring at me. Even looking at me.

"Look at her one more time, and I'll snap your balls." He threatened. I tired to hold in my laugh, but coudlnt.

It was too funny! I just laughed and laughed until my face hurt.

"You shouldn't have said that." I said. He smiled. "He was staring." He said. "He was looking at me to see what I wanted. He was listening." I argued. "Sure." He rolled his eyes with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes back and he just laughed.


"That was fun. Thank you, Harry." I smiled at him. "Welcome, Ashlee. I had fun too." He smiled back. I nodded. He leaned in and I froze.

He kissed my cheek and smiled. "Bye." He said and left. I waved and went into my dorm, blushing.


Do you love her? (A Harry Styles fanfic) wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now