The Probability Of Survival Is Near Impossible.

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I quietly opened the door. I thought she’d be asleep but by the time she wakes up she’d be angry at me, even if she was she’d be glad that I’m ok. I was worried she’d gone looking for me; after all I was four hours late. I’m seventeen now, I should be allowed to party till late and drink loads, but I care too much for her, so I left earlier than all of my mates. As I stepped inside, onto the soft cream velvet carpet I bought last Christmas, my shoe touched something sharp and an unpleasant moan escaped my lips, as whatever I had trod on went through my shoe, piercing painfully through my aching left foot. I couldn’t see what it was, as all the lights were turned off, which is unusual; she’s scared of the dark. I crept silently towards the light switch, making sure she wouldn’t wake up from any noise that I created. I gently pushed it and as soon as I had, vomit came gushing out of my mouth and it wasn’t because I had drank far too much vodka.

That scene was one you’d never imagine to see outside of a Horror film or an attack by a psycho in a freaky disturbing one. It was one you never expect to witness in real life.  I’d never of thought it would happen to my innocent eleven year old sister, Alyssa. I couldn’t even notice that it was her. Who would do such a crime? If not human, what would do this? Every limb from her body was torn and hacked apart; her once golden hair was ripped out of her head from the roots, were now red and all over the floor, soaked up with the dried up blood. One eye was near a smashed up glass; the glass was from the only photo of the family, Alyssa, mother and I. The eye was staring ahead; she was obviously scared at that time. Her other earth toned green eye was at the corner of the room, behind the grand black piano surrounded by hungry looking spiders. The delicate hands of hers were split, every bony finger torn away from her tiny palm. They were still moving in desperation as they weren’t completely detached from the palm, which was diced up messily. I had the urge to stop the painful movement by stepping on her hand, until I found out the wind was moving it.  The beautiful tanned skin of hers, which I envied a lot since I am naturally pale, was now all rough and turning blue with loads of streaks of red coating various parts of her skin, were her own blood, The smell was revolting as her body started to decompose, I couldn’t touch it, I couldn’t touch my own sister let alone protect her! What kind of older brother am I was I?

As I moved around, not daring to look at her, images began flashing in my mind. One of a wolf or a fox, I couldn’t quite tell which animal it was out of the two, sneakily creeping through an open window. Alyssa was careless and clumsy sometimes, but it’s because she always relied on me, it’s just I wasn’t here for her this time. The fox/wolf runs towards her back, but when she turns, it’s too late for a scream, she’s dead. Another came, as I shook away the thought of her being dead, this wasn’t one that my over-active imagination had created, it was a flashback. A flashback of my father being strolled away to prison after injuring my mum, the looks in his eyes were terrifying, if looks could break bones, mine were certainly broken and buried away. It was as if he was here in the world just to murder all four of us, mum, grandmother, Alyssa and I. A night about 5 years ago, he murdered grandma by pushing her down the stairs, which twisted her neck and before the ambulance arrived she was dead, as simple as that. Then after being in jail for 2 years, he won the court case and was freed from prison, all the freedom we had gained in the time being was lost as he came through the door, stepping into this very house. That exact night he beat my mum up, mum was worried for us that she locked Alyssa and I in a closet. Neither of us could do anything, I felt so useless, I was 14 nearly 15 at that time, I should’ve been able to help her. After an hour or so of hearing mum screaming, the police came, once again taking dad away in their strollers. We found mum lying by the fire; she was alive but unconscious, with a knee injury which two and a half years later resulted to her death. He has murdered two of us, does this mean he’s somehow out of prison and after us, well me now as I’m the only one standing. No, I have to get rid of this thought, but now that I’ve got it imprinted into my mind it won’t go away. The thought is silenced a little, but then I hear some footsteps, going down the stairs. What do I do? Why am I standing here in plain sight? Who could it be- That was a silly question to have thought out, it’s without a doubt, the intruder and killer. I get out my phone from my pocket and quickly dial in the three simple numbers that could save my own life, 999, asking the operators for the police service and then telling them just the address before cutting off the call. From the other door of the kitchen I see who it is and my worst nightmare is about to come true.

I’m shaking, frozen in an isolated Island nowhere to go, no one with me, no one here to witness my death, I’m going to die all alone on this ugly Island, but this time I’m not asleep and it’s real. There’s a good four metres between us as we stand opposite each other, staring. He’s observing the sight of the kitchen, taking in the changes, whilst I stand here, like a little vulnerable boy, not knowing what to do, defenceless, speechless and tiny compared to his large figure. He has grown, nearly reaching the ceiling, his brownish blonde hair now bleached proper blonde, like the white type, but it’s not quite white, his hairy messy dark brown eyebrows are scrunched are lowered into an angry but confused position, his dark brown-almost black eyes wander around, the pupils looking dilated. My worst fears are most certainly coming true, he’s in his worst condition, after me, I’m the last one standing that he wants to end before the purpose of his life on this planet is obtained. His pale skin is turning slightly green from all the drugs and pints he drank far too often, they’re all going to get out some time, hopefully soon, so I can run, if I was brave enough, which I’m not. His nose remains large and unchanged, other than the long pieces of untrimmed nose hairs sticking out of both his nostrils, his upper lip and chin and beginning to grow dark brown hair, he obviously hasn’t shaved for months, but his lips are formed in a menacing smirk. I look up, at his eyes again and see them focused on me. I want to turn and run, but my body says no, it’s melted in terror one look at his eyes and I’m dying inside already, I’m terribly weak, All the memories of when he was a good father, which was ages ago come springing up into my mind, but all shut up when he says those words, ones that I’ll treasure forever if I live after this.

“You’ve seen what I’ve done to your sister and now you’re scared. I expected you to change and be better than this, now that you’re 17, but no, you’re a wimp and always will be, such a disappointment,” I didn’t have any time to think when he comes towards me, whipping me on the right cheek with the buckle of the belt, the very belt that he nearly strangled my mother with, but all my mind could think of was that he remembered my age, all those painful times when I needed him ,missed him, wanted him become to overwhelm me, but I shove them away, this time I know he’s bad I’m not going to cry any more, I’m better than that. He takes out a dagger and throws it towards my chest, aiming to get a direct hit on my heart, I dodge it, but not completely as it does manage to scrape across the muscle of my upper left arm, the pain as the blood comes gushing out is unbearable as I clutch onto my arm, but I don’t fall to floor, crying like the little kid I was before, I keep my place knowing that Alyssa didn’t sacrifice her life for me to die as well, Another whip of the belt hit me across my left eye all the way up to my head. I started to feel dizzy and weak; I wanted to curl up into a ball calling for my deceased mum, what am I thinking? I can’t do that, especially not in front of him, I’d rather not give him the satisfaction of laughing at me. I can feel the blood sliding down my face, some of the sticky liquid slides into my left eye, blocking out the little vision I had left in that eye so I could no longer look through that eye, I was no stuck with monocular vision instead of binocular, I’ll have to rely on my right eye for now since it hasn’t been hit, yet. I thought too soon, this time when he attacks with the belt, aiming for my right side, I managed to grab his wrist, not for long though, as he breaks my fingers easily within at least a second. He laughs in an evil way, ne that could wake you up in the middle of a nightmare, his front yellow teeth showing, with a gap where one tooth used to be. He’s losing teeth already and he’s only 42, I suppose you get that for being an alcoholic drug abuser. Why did mum choose to marry and reproduce with him? Is it because she chose him without even looking or knowing him? He interrupts my thought when he shoves me towards the wall.

“You thought you were strong enough to stop me?” He laughs loudly again, “But instead I broke your fingers and that was far easier than lifting a new born baby.” The fact that he cunningly brought up newborn baby to remind me of when Alyssa was born when I was six and how I had adored her from the very beginning made me feel so broken. Yes, I have lost all hope to distract him and keep up long enough for the police to come. I’ve given up there’s no way I can hold on for that long and then comes a hammer crashing into my skull and the wailing of the police car sirens outside whilst I collapse, falling towards the ground, everything going black, but all I long to do is hold onto Alyssa, the living perfect one, but at least now we can die together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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