Chapter 39: Moments

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"Yeah. Tara really had a hard life," Liam says, walking right to me. My eyes go wide, and I stop breathing. Liam slows right in front of me, staring down at me. He lets out a sad sigh and continues walking. And just like the ball, he goes right through me. Almost as if I'm a ghost.

I spin around to watch Liam retrieve the ball. He picks it up and turns to look at Zayn.

"I'm done here. I'm gonna go in. 'Kay?"

Zayn nods his head and walks after him. I try to reach out to Zayn, but my hand just disappears in his body. I pull my hand away and look at it. It looks solid; it looks like a normal hand. So, how come they just passed right through me?

My head starts to hurt again. The world around me starts to spin. It's spinning so fast that the scenery blurs.

It finally stops. But, I'm not in the parking lot anymore. Instead, I'm standing in an empty cafe. There's a booth right in front of me, and I can see someone sitting in it. The person's back is to me. I move around the divider to see Niall sitting on the red leather seats with his guitar in his hands. His blue eyes are staring out the window as his hands strum an introduction to a song. He starts to sing along, his voice sounds tired and scratchy, like he's been up here crying for a while.

A/N: Read everything. There are little parts of the story in between the lyrics!

"Shut the door, Turn the light off, I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love, I wanna lay beside you, I cannot hide this, Even though I try. Heart beats harder, Time escapes me, Trembling hands, Touch skin, It makes this harder, And the tears stream down my face."

I try to reach out to him, but my hand just disappears. I pull back, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I sit down next to him and listen to his angelic voice.

"If we could only have this life, For one more day, If we could only turn back time."

I pick up a napkin and the pen next to a cheque and start drawing, paying close attention to Niall's singing.

"You know I'll be, Your life, Your voice, Your reason to be, My love, My heart, Is breathing for this, Moment, In time, I'll find the words to say, Before you leave me today."

Listening to Niall sing this song makes me so sad. And all I want to do is wrap him up in a hug and hold him forever. But I can't do that, for multiple reasons. And that kills me to know that someone is in pain, and I can't do anything about it.

"Close the door, Throw the key, Don't wanna be reminded, Don't wanna be seen, Don't wanna be without you, My judgements clouded, Like tonight's sky."

My eyes drift to the windows and I look up at the sky. Sure enough, its usual blue is gone and replaced by ominous grey clouds. I lose hold of myself and the tears start to slip down my face. I quickly wipe them away, but they just keep falling. Soon enough, I give up and just let them fall freely.

"Hands are silent, Voice is numb, Try to scream out my lungs, It makes this harder, And the tears stream down my face."

I nod my head as I agree with the lyrics.

"If we could only have this life, For one more day, If we could only turn back time."

I continue drawing all over the napkin, swirls and hearts filling in the empty spots. A sad smile appears on my face as Niall continues singing.

"You know I'll be, Your life, Your voice, Your reason to be, My love, My heart, Is breathing for this, Moment, In time, I'll find the words to say, Before you leave me today."

The pen in my hand is getting wet because my tears keep falling on it. I ignore them and keep adding more details to the already filled space.

"Flashing lights in my mind, Going back to the time, Playing games in the street, Kicking balls with my feet. There's a numb in my toes, Standing close to the edge. There's a pile of my clothes, At the end your bed. I feel myself fall, Make a joke of it all."

I look up at Niall as I hear his voice crack. His face is blotchy. I hadn't noticed before but he's crying. His hands are shaking, but he keeps on strumming.

"You know I'll be, Your life, Your voice, Your reason to be, My love, My heart, Is breathing for this, Moment, In time, I'll find the words to say, Before you leave me today. You know I'll be, Your life, Your voice, Your reason to be, My love, My heart, Is breathing for this, Moment, In time, I'll find the words to say, Before you leave me today."

I drop the decorated piece of paper onto the table. It stares up at me, completely finished. I look at Niall through my blurry eyes. I stand, pick up my napkin art, and walk over to Niall. Even though I know he can't see or hear me, I still do it.

I wipe my eyes and drop the napkin, the words 'I Love You' scrolled in the center of it, in his lap. I bend down so I'm looking directly in to his beautiful blue eyes. My eyes get watery again. I make sure I'm at eye level with him.

"I love you, Niall. I always have," I croak.

As soon as the words leave my lips, the world spins faster and faster until everything is a blur. It slowly gets darker, a bright light shining at the end of a tunnel. I feel drawn to it, and I find myself floating to it.

"Tara," someone says. They keep repeating it over and over.

I finally meet the end of the darkness and am in front of the comforting bright light. I take in a strong breath and fall forward. Almost instantly, I am engulfed in a warm hug, and my mind goes blank.


Heylo! So, I really just wanna say that I LOVE this chapter. I was listening to my 1D playlist (as usual!) and heard this song. I was having major writer's block and this song just inspired me. I love it when I find a song that sounds like it was made to be in the story. It's just so amazing to me.

Haha. The funny thing is that I've had this chapter finished since, like, late July or early August. Haha, wow. I'm mean for not updating my chapters when they're finished. Sorry!

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me. Love ya!

What Makes You Beautiful (A Niall Horan FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن