He looks over his shoulder, and simply says, "Pajamas."

"But why?"

"Cause your soaked and that could get you sick with pneumonia and it's really late; you should sleep because if you don't sleep you won't grow anymore. And in my opinion you need your sleep...shorty-ya." Then he moves his attention back to my closet, continuing the search for my pajamas. If I had a baguette I would hit him with it after I told him that it's a type of bread. A very hard type of bread.

"Here some are," He pulls out a large t-shirt and only that.

"Where are the bottoms?"

"What bottoms?"

I could really use that baguette. I sigh and get off the bed and reach for shirt, but before I could grab it Law grabs my wrist. He backs me up and pushes me back onto my bed.



"Get out."


He laughs, which is very VERY unlike him, and walks out of my room and closes the door. Then I hear a bang from outside of my room, probably Kid getting him back for what he did in the bathroom. I take off my soaking wet clothes and pull on the t-shirt that Law picked out, and then I grab some shorts from the laundry basket and pull those on after putting on my clean panties.






THEN a VERY naked Luffy comes in and starts jumping on my bed. I turn around and clamp my hands over my eyes. I hear a snicker from the hallway, and immediately now this is Kid's doing.

"Luffy! What the hell are you doing?"

"I can't find any clothes for me!"

"Find some clothes in my parents' closet!"


Then I hear him jump off my bed and his feet running down the hall. I let out a frustrated sigh, which I find myself doing a lot now.




Kid peeked inside my room and looked around, then looked at me and gave me a very evil smirk. I glared at him from the bed, then picked up my pillow and threw it at him. It smacked him in the face; at least it wiped off his smug. But now a very angry face replaced that smirk. He slowly breathed out then walked inside my room and slowly closed the door and locked it. He walked closer and closer to the bed as I was scooting farther and farther. He finally got to the bed, he reached forward and grabbed my ankle and dragged me closer to him.

"Kid...what are you doing? No! Bad Kid! Stay away from me! Kid! Stay away!"

He held up the pillow that I threw at him from earlier.

"Oh crap,"


He smacked me on the face with it. Then gave me another evil grin and started to repeatedly hit me with it.

"Kid! Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! Sorry!"

He holds the pillow over me.

"Have you learned your lesson?"



"Never mess with Kid!"

"Good! Now I have a question."


"Where are we supposed to sleep?"

"Oh...Um...there's my sisters' room?"


"My parents' room?"

"That's disgusting,"

"The coach?"

"The coach is dead..."

"My room?"

"Okay you can take the floor," Then he shoves me off the bed and onto the floor.

"Ugh! Whatever! By the time I get back here YOU better be on the floor!" I say then stand up and march out of my room. I pass a fully clothed Luffy and Law, who appear to be arguing about something, "Where's Kid?"

"Sleeping in my room," I say and march downstairs to watch some Netflix.


I yawn and open the door to my room, and almost pass out from what I see. Law, Luffy, and Kid all sleeping together on the same bed together, on my bed together, "What the heck happened when I was gone?"

Then I slowly as I could possibly manage I climb onto my bed and find a tiny little space between Law and Kid. I lie down and sigh, oh gosh what a day. Then as I start to feel darkness overtake me, I feel an arm wraparound my waist and pull me closer into someone's warm built chest. I snuggle in closer, allowing it for now I'll just find out and kill whoever it is in the morning.


Yay! 2 chapters in one day! YAY! I loved this one! So tell me what you think! Also does law seem too OC? Oh and should you buy a baguette  and hit him with it? Oh and who do you think snuggled with you??  Very intriguing! Hopefully you'll want to read another chapter! Hooray!!   

                                                                                         - Queen_of_the_Pirates

Update: Published 1/8/16

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