Been a long day

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Shawn's pov:

I've never actually liked coffee. I liked the idea of coffee very much, for centuries its bitter taste has been linked to intelligence and knowledge. It's a shame it has to taste like tar.

Meredith liked coffee. She liked it black and bitter. My only guess is it's because that's how her life has forcefully become. Black and bitter.

"Lucky for you I know exactly where your friend might be."

I didn't have to look over to know mere's eyes were wide and anxious with excitement.

"The Eagles were famous for staying at hotel here in California before each of their venues. They were said to have thrown the wildest parties. I only know all of that because of my husband, when he was alive he worshipped the ground that band walked on, right after me of course." The smile in Katherine's face weakens at the mention of her husband but she quickly recovers.

"The place is abandoned now. It may of been a party place but it sure wasn't financially stable. Hold on ill go and find the address."

The old women stands and brushes herself off, leaving us alone in the room.

"Shawn! We're so close! Oh my god were so close!" Mere wraps her arms around me and laughs happily. I smile back at her glad that she's excited but secretly sad that our adventure might soon come to an end.

Not long after Katherine returns holding a folded up sheet of paper.

"I've written the address down, you're welcome to stay here for the night. I really don't want you both out exploring in the dark. Bad stuff happens before day break ya'know."

Meredith looks at me with a look that says she only has one goal and that's to find Matt and as soon as possible.

"That's very kind of you, Katherine I think we will take a room."

"Excellent! I'll get you both our best room, let me grab your key!"

The moment the women leaves the room Meredith gives me a look of astonishment. "What the fuck, Shawn." She whispers angrily.

"Hey hey hey, calm down I know you want to go find him tonight but your safety is so much more important. There's a lot of crime out there at night."

I brush my hand against her arm trying to reassure her. "Please don't be mad Mere, I already feel bad enough."

"No, no, I'm sorry you're right there's no way you'd be able to take on a couple stray cats, maybe some homeless men. They'd beat your ass." Her laughs brightens the mood and I smile thankful that she's not too angry.

Katherine returns with our room key in hand and a huge smile spread across her lips. She passes the key to me and tells me where to go.

I hold Meredith's waist while we walk up the stairs to room five.

Inside the bedroom, it's a modest looking setup with a box TV and desk in the corner. A queen bed dressed in beige blankets sat directly in the middle taking up most of the small room. Meredith sits down on the bed and rests her head in her hands. "It's been a long day Mendes."

"Indeed it has, Young, indeed it has."

She slips of her shoes and falls back against the pillow, burrowing underneath the covers and closing her eyes. I flip off the lights and follow her actions, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.



Love you all thanks for reading💖

Ur all pretty rad tbh

remember to comment bc I love that shit

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