wait, so your- you are Merlin?

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Ok, so I've been obsessed with HP/ Merlin crossovers lately and I thought up this and I couldn't find a fic that had this scenario or anywhere close to it yet, so here we are. Also, this was kinda fun to make, can't wait to make the book!! Will tell you when though! So the HP part takes place during Umbridges reign just because I hate her and want to see Merlin's smart assness against her and that stuff. The whole Merlin show happened and Merlin was hibernating, in a sense, until the old religion called him out when Voldemort took over Quirell. He has secretly been helping the trio. He has been at hogwarts in Slytherin, he has the highest marks and he is really introvert to the rest of the school body besides some times when he mouths off to teachers or other Slytherins. Nobody knows he's Merlin besides the ghosts and the paintings but, Dumbledore has some suspicions. Merlin is in the DA but, none of them really trust him much. He helps heal people after Umbridge's detention methods and his name to them is Mryddian Ambrosia. He has come to hogwarts in the past, before Dumbledore or any of the current teachers besides Binns and he helped build hogwarts and was the founders' mentor. I am going to be making this into a book series, but this part never happens just saying. Enjoy!!

   Umbridge's reign had been the very thing that teachers and students alike hated. Every time a student laid eyes on her they subconsciously rubbed the hand that was scarred from her dreadful punishment. This night felt different to everyone though, it was off. Harry knew something was going to happen knowing his luck, little did he know Merlin or Myrddian was thinking along the same lines. Merlin's feelings were a bit different, he knew something good was going to happen for once. he tried not to his hopes up too much because his feeling could be wrong, no matter the odds. 

In the middle of the main course for dinner, the doors burst open revealing an old man, a dark skinned woman and six people dressed as knights. The woman and the old man were dressed in strange clothing, they seemed like they weren't from this time.

" Who are you?" Umbridge asked, looking as if she were about to explode at the sight of these weirdly dressed strangers at, what she thought, her school    

" I am King Arthur Pendragon. This is my wife, Guinevere, Gaius our physician and my knights, Leon,Percival,Lancelot,Elyan, and Gwaine. We were destined to rise again and here we are" Arthur spoke using his voice that was called his kingly voice by Merlin

" This is ridiculous, those of Camelot are dead and no matter how powerful you are you cannot rise from the dead. Get off my campus, I command you!" Umbridge fumed making Arthur raise an eyebrow. He was about to reply when Harry stood and replied before he could

" So what has Voldemort done? Just woke up from a quick nap?" Harry asked sassily ( sorry I love sassy Harry can't help it)

" Detention Mr.Potter! I had thought you learned your lesson on telling lies but, it seems I was wrong!" Umbridge said, still fuming 

" Who are you to command the King of Camelot and to berate a boy for simply telling the truth?" Leon said, ready to pull out his sword as the rest of the knights were ready to do so also

" I am Dolores Umbirdge, secretary of the minister of magic and high insqiuntior of Hogwarts" Umbridge said smugly " And I demand you tell us who you really are!" She demanded, trying to not show her fear ( Please correct my spelling)

" They already told you you pink ugly toad!" Merlin called, disguising his voice but he caught the twins' eyes ( No they haven't left yet, they're about to though) who gave him an appearing look

" Who said that?! Whoever said that will be facing a detention!" She shouted

" Hey Arthur, I think Merlin said that, is she threatening Merlin?" Gwaine pointed out with a smirk on his face

" I believe it was meaning she is" Arthur also smirked making the knights laugh evilly while Gwen, Gaius and Merlin chuckle. They all took a step forward, making Umbridge squeak like a mouse who was just stepped on before she boled out the door. Almost all of Hogwarts cheered, as the Slytherins concealed theie happiness on the Umbi**h being gone ( Yes I call her that shush)

" Merlin's beard! Are you really king Arthur?" Ron asked once the laughter died down making Arthur splutter 

" Merlin doesn't have a beard!" He said 

" Yeah he does" Ron and half the student body said 

" No he doesn't' the Camelot people besides Merlin( ironically ) said

" Yeah he does! It looks like Dumbledore's!"Ron said 

" No he doesn't!" Arthur said " How do you even know who Merlin is?" Arthur asked ( He isn't aware they are famous) 

" Uh Most powerful wizard to ever walk the earth- who ever will walk the earth, protecter of Camelot, advisor of King- well Advisor of you. You know, old guy, blue and starry pointy hat with blue robes and long white hair like Dumbledore!" Hermione said 

" I was unaware our destinies were famous, and what on earth are you talking about? Protecter of Camelot? Starry hat? Blue robes? Long white hair? When did Merlin turn into Dragoon?"Arthur asked

" Uh Sire, I'm afraid Merlin is Dragoon, he was using an aging potion but he never killed your father or- you know what, let him explain" Gauis said 

" Where is he anyway?" Lancelot asked

" I don't know, MERLIN!" Arthur yelled

" Jeez Prat, no need to yell I'm right here!" Merlin spoke, who was actually right next to them. All of them turned their heads to the left and saw a 15-year-old Merlin

"Merlin! Why are you a child?" Gains asked slowly 

" Aging spell Gaius, What do you think? should I show here looking like Dragoon and ask if I can walk around here to protect the students from Voldemort and Morgana? Come on, I'd look like a loony old man who lost his brain somewhere along the years! Honestly!" Merlin said and stood

" Myrddian? You're Merlin? We've been sitting in classes with Merlin? No wonder you sleep during History of Magic, You lived through it all!" Hermione laughed, hardly believing her classmate was Merlin 

" Well yeah and just so you know most of that stuff is false! Just saying!" Merlin pointed out 

"Myrddian? That's the name you chose?" Percival asked

" I ran out of names! This isn't my first year at hogwarts!" Merlin shrugged

"How many names have you used?" Eylan asked curiously 

" Uh, I don't know! It's been over a thousand years!" Merlin said

" No excuse!" Gwaine shouted

" Actually it's the perfect excuse" Merlin said 

" Idiot" Arthur said and rolled his eyes

" Clot pole" 

" Dollop head" 

" That's my insult! Stop stealing my insults- errr Jerked" Merlin insulted unsure

" Jerkwad?" Arthur laughed

" First thing that popped in my head! Jeez prat!" Merlin said 

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