1. Who am I?

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So I'm sitting here. Staring at a blank screen, thinking back to every book I have ever read since I was able to. How did they start it, what is the best possible way to begin a story that will show its true value and pull the reader deeper and give them an emotional attachment. Some start with quotes, others with names, and so on and so forth, but what do I start mine with? I've always wanted to be a writer since I was little a girl. Most authors and writers actually start writing, they don't just say they want to do that and then have nothing to show for it. Most are able to have at least short stories to show at this point in their lives, the part that I am currently in.

I close my laptop, what's the point..  have never been able to write what makes me think that now I'm going to be able to? A lot of people probably have an idea and think it is the greatest thing ever and then someone else reads and wonders what hell hole it crawled out of.

From my chair I am looking out my window at the road below, pine trees blocking the view furthest away from me. Even the second story couldn't pass up these giants of nature. I can see through the majority of the trees near by due the fact that is December, so the leaves have long gone. I sigh, I stood up stretching my arms as far up as I could smacking them off the triangular ceiling in my bedroom. The sharp plaster bits snagging my skin, it fails to faze me anymore.  I scoot around my bed, throwing a pillow that has some how made its way down to the floor.

After nearly tripping over my cat on the way down the stairs, I look around my living room. No signs of my birthday anymore, thank god it was all the way back in October. I turn on the television, leaving on the news and tip toe on the squeaking floor boards. As my sandwich is finally complete and I drop my knife into the sink stirring my sleeping cat on the carpet below me, I slip past him and find myself on the couch. Jelly oozes out the sides,'damn I wish I grabbed a wet towel' I think as I lick my fingers. As I am trying once again to plan what my first chapter will be like causing me to miss the sound of the mailman opening my box and walking off my porch. As I shake myself from that fantasy I focus all I have on what the news was saying.

"Back to you Dianne." Says the weather man

Shit I thought, I really wanted to know If it was going to start snowing any time soon. I can always just change it to another chann-

"Thank you for the weather forecast for the week Tyrone! Music breaking into the hearts of the world. Band, Walk the Moon has now captured our attention. The small Ohio band's fan base has nearly exploded with excitement for their new tour. That is starting today with their first stop, all the way up in our neighbor country, Canada!"

Oh well you have caught my attention Dianne. I rushed back upstairs, flying around my bed back to my bed and dashing back down the stairs praying I didn't fall at the speed I was going with my laptop in hand. Dianne was still going on about how their single, Shut up and dance was platinum and the boys were riding fast to stardom. I realize half way through typing in ticketmaster I could have just used my phone, but the amount of excitement that blew through me, made me forget about my phone. To be totally honest, I usually forget I have a phone until it buzzes.

As I scrolled through the list of places walk the moon would be going, my excitement faded. It didn't seem walk the moon would be coming to little old Pittsburgh again. I sighed, should I ever click to the last page? I was going to but I felt like I did not have the energy to press the button. Something golden was on that last page though and it started with a P.

No it was not Pittsburgh, but it was the next best thing I could think of and it was Penn state, my college. I have been desperate to see this group preform their new album, I decided I should take this chance and do it. I ordered my ticket, bands did come to campus and performed usually it was amazing, thank god for college. I had some time to kill, that was an understatement I had a few months to wait for my turn to see them. With the news on mute and my sandwich abandoned and forgotten I scrolled through videos on my computer, searching for the last concert I was at for walk the moon. I listened to me in the past screaming along to Anna Sun, I couldn't help but to laugh at me screaming my own nickname. I thought back to my high school days and my multiple shirts up stairs with Anna sun stitched across the back. Then I found the video of the first time I heard Shut up and Dance, I was still mesmerized by it.

Annoyed slightly by the long wait ahead to be singing and dancing with people who also sing my name without even knowing. I texted my best friends, in a group chat we've had going since high school graduation. You'll never guess who is coming to my campus, I sent will an excited emoji. My friend Ashley who is my roomate and good friend from high responded

"Walk the Moon, now please stop blasting music from that concert I wasn't able to go to. I'm trying to type this stupid paper."

"Jeez oh man, Sorry." I laid back on the couch while my friend Hannah and I discussed about past concerts we had attended and how excited we were for this one. I closed my eyes with my phone pressed to my chest. This just turned my entire day- no month around!

(Hi! This book will be updated. The second chapter is already halfway done! It is my focus to write this fanfic. So if you're loving it, it will for sure be continued! Stay Rad, and feel free to point out any of my mistakes so I can fix them)

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