"Hey Chespin leave some for the rest of the pokemon" Clemont said holding Chespin back.

Fennekin was the next to take one and she enjoyed it as well. Soon every one of their Pokémon had one of Serena's pokepuff and they were very happy with the taste and how good it was. Seeing all the Pokémon eating them this made Ash very curious on how good they were.

"Wow they seem to like them, I wonder how they taste" Ash said taking one.

"Huh.., no wait... those aren't for...." Serena started to say before Ash took a bite. "People..."

Ash stood there for a bit. Just like Pikachu he didn't say anything for a bit and was paralyzed not moving a bit.

"They're....." he managed to say. He was still not moving much after that one bite.

"Ash?" Serena said worried.

"They're... They're... they're the best thing I ever tasted." He said with sparkling eyes as he finished the rest of it.

"You... you like it?" Serena said confused. "But those aren't even for people."

"Maybe... but I think they're great."

"Oh....well... thanks" she said relieved.

"Here Dedenne have another" Bonnie said handing him another one. Dedenne was about to take one from Bonnie's hands when all of a sudden it started to float into the air. "Huh?"

The pokepuff was surrounded by a blue light and was flouting towards a bush. Behind the bush was a pink little Pokémon with what looks like a cherry on its head and its tongue hanging out . The Pokémon ate the pokepuff and gave a light cheer.

"Hey... that was for Dedenne" Bonnie wined.

"De ne nee..." he said disappointed. All of a sudden a girl, who the group presume is it's trainer, came up behind the Pokémon and scolded him.

"There you are Slurpuff, I told you a dozen times not to run off like that" the girl said. She had short blue hair, a little orange tie, and a white hair band on her head. She then looked up at the group as she realized something just happened involving her pokemon. "I'm sorry did my Slurpuff cause any trouble?"

"Ya... he ate Dedenne's pokepuff" Bonnie said.

"Oh I'm sorry, my Slurpuff always likes to eat sweats" she said. "Here your Deddene can have one from my basked here, these are probably better than the one my Slurpuff ate."

"Wait... WHAT?!?!" Serena thought to herself. The girl also had a basket with her that was filled with pokepuffs. These pokepuffs her decorated differently than Serena's. They had a different colored icing on top and a different shape with different little toppings on it. She took one out and handed it to Bonnie as she fed it to Dedenne. He took a couple of bits and gave a very loud and happy cheer.

"Dede ne" he said very very VERY happily.

"Wow Dedenne must really like it" Bonnie said.

"See I'm sure it was better than the one Slurpuff ate" The girl said.

"Excuses me?!?!" Serena said defensively. "I'll have you know I made the one you Slurpuff ate and they happen to be very delicious."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I sure there pretty good" she said.

"Pretty good?!?!" she thought. "Just who does she think she is?"

"By the way I'm Miette" she said at last.

"Hi I'm Ash"

"My name is Clemont"

"Bonnie my name"

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