The Alpha's Rejection

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Chapter 1- What Did I Do Wrong?

Tomorrow is my 15th birthday and also the day I shift and find my mate! But ever since my mom died in a car crash, I was abused and beaten on by my father, my 2 brothers, and the pack for 3 years.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Desiree James and yes, I am a werewolf. I live with my father, John, and my twin brothers, Kyle and Myles. My mom died in a car crash when I was 12 and ever since then I was blamed for her death.


"Hey mom! Can we go to the store? I need some stuff for school!" I screamed from the top of the stairs as I got my shoes on.

"Yea, go ahead and get ready! We are going out to eat afterwards!"

"Ok! Thank you!"

After I was done getting ready, my mom, my dad, and my brothers all got into the car and headed off to the store.

As we pulled into the parking lot, my dad said; "Me and the boys will wait in the car while y'all go in and get what you need."

"Okie daddy!" I replyed as I kissed him on the cheek and got out of the car. But not before ruffling up my older brothers' hair.

"Hey!" they both said together. I still think its weird how twins do that. Anyways, as me and my mom were walking into the store, I started humming a random tune in my head.

"Hey baby?" my mom asked.

"Yea mom?"

"I want you to know that I love you and no matter what happens, I always will." that put a smile on my face. I always loved my mother no matter what and nothing could come between the bond that we had.

"I love you too, mommy! Your the best!"

"I know I am, child!" my mom said, laughing.

"And humble.." I grumbled while she kept laughing. I loved her laugh.


We were on our way back from eating when mom turned the music way loud. I honestly thought my ears were going to explode. I was happy I haven't gotten my heightened senses yet since I won't be shifting for another 3 years or so. But my brothers were holding on to their ears for dear life! They had just turned 16 about a month ago so they were now familiar with the hearing, but we just couldn't stand loud noises and we still don't know how mom and dad could do it.

"TURN IT OFF!!" Kyle yelled over the music.

"IT HURTS, TURN IT DOWN MOTHER!!" Myles screamed as me, my mom, and my dad were laughing our butts off.


It seemed at everything went in slow motion. One minute we were laughing at my brothers. Then another minute, I heard the screeching of tires, my family's screams, and everything when black after our car started rolling.

I woke up in the Hospital with stitches and a cast on my left leg. As I was examining my body, the door to my room flew open and my father came in looking like the Devil himself. He marched over to me and slapped me as hard as he could and screamed; "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" and slapped me again before marching out of the room.

I sat there crying and crying until I felt the darkness of sleep starting to take over. The last thing I remember saying to myself was; "What did I do wrong?"

*End of Flashback*

~Authors Note~

Hey guys, sorry if this isn't any good :( it's my first story EVER so if it isn't good I'm sorry. And I know the chapters aren't very long, it's because I had originally written this in my Notes of my iPad :P lol. Well, like I said, I apologize if it isn't any good. Bye!!

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