The End...Or is it?

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Four turtles, a rat and two humans sat in the main room. Mikey and sat cross-legged on the floor. Mona, Raph, and Master Splinter sat on one couch, while Donnie, April and Casey sat on the other, in that order.

The red-banded turtle and mutant lizard exchanged a glance before Raphael began. "Okay, so I was outside fighting the Krang when one of the big blue ape droids kicked me in the face and knocked me out. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a top-security Krang cell, but I wasn't alone." He sent Mona Lisa a sideways glance, letting her know that she could jump in at any time.

She said nothing and Raphael was about to continue when April cut in. "You'd think the Krang would have realized that putting two mutants in the same cell was a bad idea."

Mona was the first to reply. "The Krang had specially designed the cell to keep me inside. There was no way we could have escaped, even if we were working together." April stared at her in confusion. "Let's just say I've been in Krang prison long enough to last me a lifetime. They didn't want me escaping again."

"Why did they want to keep you there in the first place?" Donnie asked.

Mona sighed. "After my life was destroyed by the Krang, I became obsessed with the idea of bringing them to justice. I broke into their labs, hacked their computers. I've seen battle plans and Krang military tactics that were meant only for the eyes of Krang Prime. I hacked my way into their main database and began learning all I could. Everything from their origin to their current status, everything I could get my fingers on. And I kept learning, honing my technological skills, until I knew more about the Krang than I did about the human race. And I never got caught, until last October. I had heard that Krang Prime had developed some new invasion plans, again. Fool that I was I rushed in blindly, so bent on stopping them that I failed to notice it was a trap...before it was too late. They took me to the preliminary."

"Why didn't they just kill you?" Raph glared at Leo for the bluntness of the question.

Mona's smile was grim and a little bit on the insanely creepy side. Raph slowly placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She scoffed at Leo's question one last time before finally answering. There was an unsettling glint in her eyes. "Oh I was far too valuable for that. You see, I broke in and sabotaged their computers and hacked their plans, but apparently during one of my earlier jobs, I downloaded a rather sensitive piece of information. Many years ago, before the Krang decided to take over the galaxy there was a planet called Telketron in the Krang system. Apparently, eons before our planet was even created, the Krang were a warrior race, vicious, mean and savage. Bitter rivalry and soon hatred was felt from both planets: Telketron and the Krang home world, Planet X. Finally, after thousands of years of conflict, the two planets formed a peaceful alliance and their system prospered. Until Kraang, an ancestor of Krang Prime, wanted to return to the planet's warrior ways of the past. Kraang concocted a great scheme to destroy the alliance and frame the Telkenians for the fault. Not long after, half of Planet X was destroyed by what appeared to be Telkenian attacks. The destruction led to an immense fallout between the planets and eliminated all hope for peace. Kraang used the event to his advantage and rallied his people, who would later be named the Krang in his honor. Kraang's forces killed millions of Telkenians before detonating the planet. You can imagine that the Krang history books don't exactly match the story I've just told you. But I found the truth complete with evidence. I downloaded it onto a special data containment unit and hid it where no one could ever find it. Not even the Krang. They want that data unit back. If they kill me, well..."

"They can't afford to kill you, unless they want to risk someone finding the data chip and plunging them straight into a period of civil war." Donatello stroked his chin as he put the final pieces together.

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