submission #18 [the moral of the story]

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a/n :  this is an important one. 

So many people have misguided preconceptions about depression. It's different for each person, and each trigger of depression varies, some might not even have an obvious one - it's just the way they were born. 

They don't understand.

They don't understand what it's like going through day to day life with the pain your mind puts you through.  They don't understand how I struggle to make it through an hour without thinking about all the many different ways I could kill myself, and the pros and cons for each one.

I've been depressed for five years now and my family thinks I've been cured for four. But people think that if I don't cut (I do, but they cant see them) then I don't have depression.

Depression is a mental disorder which sometimes has physical side effects. 

We can't help it if we have depression and so telling us "everything's going to be okay", "you're going to get through this", and promising to always be there won't cure it overnight.

Dealing with it by yourself is the loneliest things - especially after you've told your group of 'best friends' only to be abandoned because you're a 'freak'.

People with depression are still people. The very same people they were when you first met. They still like the same music, and read the same books. Don't treat them like they've drastically changed because it may be the thing to kill them.

It almost killed me.

And the worst thing was that nobody cared. 

- Elizabeth

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