The Promise

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(Alice's POV)

I was lying on the bed in my cell, tossing a small red bouncy ball into the air. It was all I ever did besides work out, plan my escape, and fight my thirst. Every day Sophia or Kane came to my cell, bringing me an animal or human to drink from. I refused to drink blood many times, but sometimes the thirst is too strong for me to resist. As time and years pass, I've learned to control it better than I did as a newborn vampire.

Just as I caught the ball, the entrance door opened, but I didn't look at who it was because I already knew. I could tell by the footsteps who it was. The first footsteps I heard were Kane's, but the other set was unfamiliar. When he banged on my cell, I didn't speak or look at him. I continued to toss the ball.

"Look alive, you have a visitor," Kane said.

I caught the ball and slowly looked over at him and the young girl beside him. I didn't recognize her. I looked away and started throwing the ball again.

"Go away, Kane," I said.

"Come on, today I will give you a choice," Kans said as he tapped on the bars. "You can either turn her into one of us, drink from her, or watch me kill her."

Once more, I stopped throwing the ball and looked at her again. I paid more attention this time. She was a young blonde, with a short and slightly tan body paired with blue eyes, full lips, and a small nose. As my eyes travel down her body, I notice her average-sized chest perched on her pregnant belly. I pitied her and hated Kane for his evil ways. Taking this young, pregnant girl, and threatening her life, for his entertainment. It disgusted me.

"What's it going to be?" he asked.

I was hesitant. I didn't know what would happen if I turned her into a hybrid using my blood. I've never seen a baby vampire. What would happen to her baby? What would it become? Would it die? If it survives, will it grow up or remain a baby?

All these questions ran through my head as the clock ticked loudly on the wall. I could tell he was growing impatient with me as he snarled. When I saw Kane raise his head, and his long, white fangs shoot out, she cried out for help. I couldn't take it anymore, and I rushed to the cell door.

"Let her go, Kane," I said.

"Only if you drink from her or change her," Kane said as he shrugged.

Her pleading eyes told me that she was begging for mercy. All I could do was sigh, knowing what I had to do. I would help her escape when the time was right.

"Let her in," I said as I stepped back. "I'll change her."

He smiled before unlocking the cell door and throwing her in at me. She fell to her knees in front of me. Her hands were bound together, as are her feet. I looked up at Kane, who smirked as he watched eagerly, waiting to see me turn this innocent girl.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I looked up at Kane.

"Just do it and get it over with," Kane said.

"I don't like an audience," I said as I locked my eyes on him.

He was hesitant, but eventually sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine!" he said angrily. "I'll give you an hour before I return."

He gave the girl one last look before ascending the stairs, leaving her in the cell with me. She looked so weak, so innocent. I put my hand on her back. She looked up at me with the saddest look on her face. A single tear dripped down her cheek and landed on my hand. It felt so warm, something I hadn't felt in so long. I couldn't wait for the day the sun enveloped my body in a much-needed hug.

The Silent One: Whispers of War (Book 2) *Undergoing Editing*Where stories live. Discover now