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"No! Stop!" A man shriek was heard throughout an alley way. Another man who looked much like a shadow stood before him. The shadow man was had a black hood and a black mask over his mouth of nose, his eyes shined with the moonlight. Strands of his black hair could be seen from under this hood. His moon like eyes stared down at the man who was terrified.

"Why... what type of person are you!" The man yelled at the hooded figure. The hood figure grabbed the man by the neck, pushing him onto the back of the alley wall. The man struggled.

"You don't have to do this!"

The hooded man narrowed his eyes at the man.

"You act like you are any better...." The hooded man said, his voice rough and yet smooth, and had a demanding tone. "Theres no such thing as innocent." The figure punched the man, dragging him down. The man spat blood to the side. The figure got out a dagger, stabbing the man right in the heart. The hooded figure looked at the man's face, watching the life getting out of him. He then made cuts around his the man's chest, taking out his heart.

The hooded figure smirked as he made the letter P onto the man's heart, then dropped the heart next to him. The hooded figure climbed up a fire escape, running through the roof tops until he reached a window. He opened the window with ease as he understand a living room. A woman was packing up her stuff, the last of it anyways. The hooded man took off his hood as he looked at the woman.

"I can't take it anymore..." she said, closing a bag.

The man got a cigarette, lighting it then smoked.

The woman narrowed her eyes at him. "You used to be so different, Logan."

Logan shrugged. "Times change."

"No..." She walked towards Logan, putting her hand on his chest. "You just want to think that." She walked away, grabbed her bags.

Logan smirked as he got in front of the woman. "Actually... I was always like this." He took the cigarette out of his mouth. "You were just blinded."

Logan dropped his cigarette on the ground, it caused for the carpet to light on fire. The woman tried to get away from it but Logan pushed her into the flames.

"And it's Plague..."

The woman shrieked as Plague walked out the door. Leaning against the wall near the door, a man with a cowboy hat went up to Plague, walking besides him.

"Hello Erron..." Plague said to the man, not looking at him.

"Ready to go to work?" Erron said, tilting his hat up.

Plague smiled. "As always, my friend."

Hearts Under Fire (Mortal Kombat Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن