2.3. Jeland

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Robert is awake three days later and finds himself in a strange room.

This looks like a castle, he thinks. Where am I?

Robert looks around, there's a tapestry, a cupboard, a chair, a large mirror, and a table with a basin and a napkin on it. He looks at himself. He's wearing nice, clean clothes. Feeling strong enough although a bit drowsy, Robert gets up from his bed and looks outside the window. He sees a beautiful view of a land with birds passing by and the sun – how he loves to see the sun again. And the fresh air... Robert takes a deep breath and exhales by blowing upwards to his hair – one of his habits. Then he sees a strange thing – his front hair is all white.

My hair... am I seeing wrong? Robert thinks.

He pulls his hair down a bit and takes a good look, with right eye open. An eerie thought comes in Robert's mind.

Argh! It's white!

Robert rushes to the mirror, and stands there, stunned in terror. His hair is silvery white all over, and a thought comes into his mind.

I'm a disappointment. I allowed the tragedy to ruin my heart, my thought and my hair. I can't protect my family, I can't even protect Tisha – my negligence has caused her death. I should've never returned there, but waited for the soldiers to show up, and beg for protection. Then Tisha might be saved. My bad! People thought I'm thinking like a grown-up, but in fact a child is a child... Oh, I understand now. These all happened because of my lack of experience, and I'm not strong enough. If only I was a grown-up man, a hunter like my father, maybe I could rally the village people to form a quick defense and fend off the orc-things.

Robert pauses for a while, and then he looks at the ring on his left ring finger and thinks,

Mom, I'm sorry I disobeyed you, though it saved my life. But maybe it's Vadis' will that I was spared. Maybe he has a good plan for me; maybe he wants me to be his agent to punish the orcs and monsters. Oh Vadis, please give peace for my father, mother, Tisha, her mom, and the other villagers. Give them rest from this war against monsters, aggressors and evil. Let me continue my life; make me strong so I can carry out your will.

Then Robert kisses his ring and stares at the mirror again. The thought of Vadis' kindness cures him from his negativity and he doesn't give up on life any longer. With this new hair, he now enters a new life. And the goal of his new life is – to punish as many orcs as possible and make that monstrous humanoid extinct in Lore – or even in Aurelia. And the first step is – to be stronger. And the lord in this castle has offered to make him stronger, so he will accept it willingly. His mind is set.

A few minutes later, the door opens. The maid comes, and her expression changes into gladness on seeing Robert is awake, fully healed and well. Robert is standing in front of the mirror, deep in thought. The maid clears her throat, and Robert realizes her coming at once.

'Oh, you're awake, Robert.'

'Ah, madam! How do you know my name? What is this place? Who took me?'

'Slow down; slow down, one question at a time. You see I'm not quite young anymore.'

'But you still look perfect, ma'am.'

'Haha, flattery from a smart kid works every time.'

Robert blushes.

'Well, anyway, this place is called Jeland, citadel of the Duchy of Walfront in Varestine city. The person who took you is the Good Duke Adamar Walthorn, the lord of this citadel and region and, major of this city. And he told me your name and told me to look after you.'

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