08 Beauty Through Broken Glass

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Broken hearts are splattered everywhere. On street corners with couples trying to keep it together. On pages of poetry, memoirs, artists trying to make something beautiful out of a very difficult time. We're all just doing that. Trying to make it through. Make it to the other side. We're pushing through dirt and darkness so that we can remember the sun does shine again. Because it does. It always does.

We're so clouded in our own misery, we forget to even look around. We don't take the time to notice the broken hearts right next to us.

Something is going to break your heart. That's just the way it goes, babe. It might be a person. It might be an event. A situation, disappointment. There are so many things that can stab that little sucker. But it's part of life. And it's something we all share. The human experience is realizing we're in it together.

We're in this together. All of it. The shit. The beautiful parts. The feeling so alone. We're together in that. Isn't that pretty amazing? Someone else is reading this. Someone in a completely different room, with a different life, with potentially a broken heart, is reading this. And you don't know them. But you're with them. Here. In this moment.

You'll heal. Time doesn't erase wounds, but it does teach us how to navigate with them. And sometimes? Yeah, time can get rid of those wounds altogether. And someone else out there will be healing too.

Others will have hearts breaking as yours is growing stronger. And maybe you'll take the time to truly see them, to recognize the process they are about to enter and remind them: you are not alone. We are all here with you. And you will be okay. I promise, you will be okay.

And not because someone else is telling you to be better but because there is something inside of you keeping you up at night and resurfacing every single morning when you wake.

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