Chapter 12

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What is pounding on my head? Oh wait. I met Thanatos. Wait when did my phone start ringing? What time is it? I get up from my bathroom floor and I go to the kitchen where I left my stuff. I look at the clock on the stove and gasp.
8 AM! I have been out all night!? I was planning on taking my motorcycle for a ride. Guess not anymore. My headache now gone I don't know how, but I guess I should thank Thanatos for giving it to me in the first place. Man he made mad but I knew better than to fight him.
My phone was still ringing and it was getting annoying. I turned around and picked up my phone. I looked at the caller ID and I groaned. What does he want?
"What!" I snapped into the phone.
"Hello Delany. I need your help." He said into the phone.
"Why don't you get my mom she would be better than me." I said and rolled my eyes. He always gives small assignments like checking up on someone.
"Because your mother is on a mission." He said not rather kindly. We never get along. Never will either.
"Fine Fury. What would like me to do? Catch up with spider man? Remember how that one went. He had a broken arm and I was getting webs out of my hair for weeks afterwards." Yeah I don't get along with a lot people.
"No I want you to catch up with Jane Foster." He answered.
"Fine. I actually get along with her. Where is she? Mexico?" I asked. I speak spanish but not french. Please say she is not in France.
"Actually no. She is in London." He said.
"So I actually get to leave America? Then yes. I would love to take the job." I said smiling. I have been kept on America so Nick Fury could watch over me.
"Great. Be at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters in half an hour with a bag packed. You'll be there for about a week." He said. He then hung up the phone and I was on my own.
Finally something good is happening in my life.
I ran to my bedroom and grabbed a bag. I packed enough clothes for a week and some knives. Hey if I need them then I will use them. You never know what happens in London. Well I don't know what happens in London. I have only left the United states once and that was to catch my mom in Germany. I didn't get to sightsee.
I then grabbed my keys to my motorcycle and headed out the door. I might as well leave my beloved in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I drove to headquarters and reached it just in time. I parked my bike and walked in. I love it when I get to drive it. Guess I won't be driving it for a week. Oh well.
I walked in to see Fury waiting for me like always. Here we go the normal routine about how to not lash out at anybody or to kill anybody unless told to do so.
"There is no need to go over the 'don't do anything stupid' speech. I have it memorized. So where to?" I asked.
"It is actually a safety speech. But right this way." I followed him to the roof where the Quinjet was. I never get to fly in the Quinjet. I always have to get a plane like from the airport. I feel so special. My mom got off the Quinjet as we walked up to it.
"I thought I said two weeks." Fury sighed.
"Yeah well the plan went wrong and they did it earlier. It's harder now that everyone knows about aliens." I then caught the eye of my oh so famous mother. "What is she doing here?"
"I'm going to London to check on Jane Foster." I said smiling excitedly. I can't wait to leave.
"Yes now if you excuse us I must send her off and I will call you when you are needed for another assignment Agent Romanov." Fury said placing a hand on my shoulder.
She nodded and I went on the Quinjet. I sat down in a seat and buckled myself in. Fury was standing in front of me.
"You will be dropped off at a warehouse where we have tracked Jane. She should be inside. Thank you so much for doing this." Wow Fury actually said thank you. Something is up.
I nodded and he walked off to the plane and back to the building probably to his office. The hatch shut and the pilot started the plane and we were off London.
     Nick Fury's POV
After Delany left I went to the office. I know I am going to get yelled at for sending to check up on Jane. It's good thing I put a tracker on her shoulder so that I know everything.
Natasha came barging into my office. Great here comes the yelling that I have to deal with. I really am not in the mood right now.
"You sent her see Jane! You know that if she is with Jane then Thor will show up!" She yelled.
"Yeah well when she was with the Avengers Thor didn't recognize her then. He won't recognize her now." I stated simply.
"He was trying to figure out where he has seen her before." She said. "We didn't even know what she was or where she came from until 2 years ago when Thor showed up in Mexico and those same markings were where he was."
"Yes I am aware but it is too late and I assure you, Thor will not show up." I said looking back at my computer. "I will know if he does because I put a chip on her shoulder so I will get any readings of him showing up."
"She can't find out either. I demand you to bring her back this instant Director." She stated furiously.
"She was the right one for the job besides it's too late she is flying in and I won't be able to get her back." I knew it was a lie but she needs to go on other missions. Natasha storms out of my office angrily and I go back to my paper work.
It has been all day and Delany must be in London by now. I turned on my computer and the chip said she was in London. I turned back to my paperwork and then I heard a beeping noise. I turned to my computer and it was going wild. She was in the middle of one of the Vortexes from Asgard.
I contacted the Quinjet immediately. "Get Delany and get out of there now!" There was no reply. I only got static. This is not good.
I picked up my phone and called Delany. She isn't picking up. Now is the time to start to get worried. I knew it was a bad idea to send her there but I did it anyway. Nothing will happen anyway. Right? Thor is just getting Jane. This was a huge mistake.
    Delany's Pov
I had just landed in London at the warehouse that I was supposed to be at. I put my bags down and started to stretch my legs. It is like really late at night now so I have been sitting all day doing nothing. Sure I talked to the pilot every once in a while but I was so bored.
I got my bags and took them to Jane's car. No one was there they must be in the warehouse. I left my purse by where I walked off the plane. I went back over to it and I picked it up. I started to walk back to the car so I could wait for Jane to come out so I don't have to break a window to get my bags in her car.
When I took maybe 3 steps I heard a noise and I stopped. I looked down to see a soda can rolling towards me. That's weird. There is no wind and it is a flat surface. I looked around to see if anyone kicked it but no one was to be seen. I looked around ready to fight if I have to.
I then felt strong winds and I looked around again. Everything was disappearing. Being covered by a blur of colors. What is happening? I started to panic. I tried to run from it but I was stuck. My feet wouldn't move forward the would just spin in circles. I spun around and around. Everything was a blur and I couldn't hear the wind anymore.
The sound a convergence portal filled my ears and the wind was knocked out of me and I closed my eyes on instinct when the air is knocked out of me.
Suddenly the wind stopped. It all stopped. I caught my breath and opened my eyes. I looked around the room I was in. This is not earth. This is the room I heard about in stories growing up by my mother. This is the throne room on Asgard.
How did I get here? More importantly, why isn't anyone here? Shouldn't there at least be a guard or something?
I climbed up the stairs slowly. One by one. When I reached the top of the stairs I was about to touch the arm of the throne when I stopped.
"Fury I don't think I'm earth anymore." I mumbled like he could hear me. Not even the chip on my shoulder could reach him. Not with the distance I was from him. And yes I did know that he place a chip on my shoulder. I'm the daughter of an assassin. I was taught to know when someone is behind you and to know who it is. I know when a chip is placed on my shoulder.
I reached out and touched the arm of the throne. This has got to be the weirdest day of my life but also the best. Who else gets magically transported to Asgard?
Suddenly the door burst open.  I jumped and turned around to see Thor. Right he is the king of Asgard. Wait or does there still have to be a coronation?
"Father I-" He stopped when he noticed me and looked at me with a confused expression. "Delany?"


A/N: I want to thank GreenEarth2017 first thing because I could not have figured out where I was going with story without her.

Here is another chapter for you sorry for the long update also.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Stay strong young avengers.


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