Chapter Twenty Eight

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It's the middle of January. Austin has been gone for a month and a half. Today is Zach and Ashley's wedding. I'm sitting in the church, staring at the statue of Jesus they have hanging on the wall. My hair is curled and pulled back with a clip, my makeup is done, and I am in the baby blue strapless dress that Ashley picked out months ago. I should be back with everyone else, helping set up, or even making sure she isn't having a total meltdown, but I can't think about that. All I can think about, is that Austin still hasn't shown up.

The wedding starts in an hour; people are filling in the front lobby, waiting to be seated. Robert walks in, from the back and smiles at me.

"You're sulking." He says, as he sits beside me.

I glance at him, half smiling. "I have a right to sulk. Austin still isn't here and I haven't heard from him in three days. He's dead isn't he? That's why you came out here to sit by me?"

Robert laughs and puts an arm around the back of the pew. "If you didn't have your makeup done, I'd smack the shit out of you right now for saying that."

I can't help but laugh and lean into Robert's arm. Out of the three guys, he's been the one I've grown closest to. Of course I love them all the same, but Robert has always just been the one I came to when I needed to bitch about Austin. Then, the girls came around and I had girl friends to become close with.

"I just miss him." I confess.

Robert sighs and rests his head, gently, on my hair. "I know you do."

"Do you know why he's so late?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I talked to him last night and everything was set."

"How was he?" I ask. "When you talked to him."

Robert sighs again. "He sounded pissed and tense. This fight was bad?"

I nod my head. "We both said some things that shouldn't have been said."

"You both always work it out." He says. "You'll get through this too."

I lean my head back and stare at Robert. "All we've done the last two months, since he left, is fight. I can't remember the last time a conversation didn't turn into a full blown argument."

"What was it about this time?" He asks.

My mind goes back to the argument; it was four days ago. I had just gotten home from another appointment with Graham, and I was home alone. Cori and Derek had gone out for the day, and Graham was taking one of his many daily naps. Our mail stack was piled high on the coffee table, so I decided to sort through it.

The bills stack was higher than the junk mail. We still owed the hospital thousands of dollars, Austin owed three months worth of payments on his car and our insurance had skyrocketed after Graham was born.

After an hour of sitting and staring at the bills, I decided to go grab the list of things we still needed and go to the store. Graham's prescription needed to be refilled, so while that was getting ready I went to get diapers and formula for him.

The lights in the store were blinding and I could feel myself growing dizzier by the second. I blamed it on the fact that I hadn't been eating much since Austin left; I'd already lost fifteen pounds of my baby weight.  As I pushed the cart down the aisle, I saw a couple with their baby and they looked so happy. I wondered if Austin and I would ever look like that again, when he got back.

The fighting had grown constant, and it was getting harder to keep calling to talk every night; the girls kept me busy and Graham was on a strict schedule. I couldn't even remember the last time I told him I loved him.

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