Everyone in the room had their mouths agape, staring at Marie as if she'd suddenly grown another head.

"You all heard me! Now leave, this matter that does not require a vote. We will call you back if there is to be a trial." She continued, though no one responded. Even Atticus looked taken aback, frozen in his shock. "Leave!" Her voice boomed with authority causing every member of the once terrifying COE to shuffle out of the room with their heads down like frightened children.

Once the room was clear she looked at us warmly, changing her tone to a motherly one. "Zakary dear, could you please leave us?" He hesitated but when she raised her eyebrow in a dare for him to argue, he nodded slowly searching in my eyes for confirmation.

"I can handle this." I whispered, still trying to hide my shock from Marie's outburst. With one final look of uncertainty Zak left, leaving me in a room with the two most powerful people I had ever met. People that, if I hadn't found my mate, Zak and I would rule over. The thought made a lump form in my throat though I tried to hide my scattered emotions as I looked into Marie's now warm azure eyes and Atticus' unfeeling black orbs.

"Now," Marie sighed, taking the report from her husbands' hand and removing a pair of black rimmed reading glasses from her shirt pocket. My fists were clenched, my body still impossibly tense as I tried to figure her out. All too slowly she read over the document, mouthing some parts and making noises of confusion at others. Finally a sigh was released from her lungs and I looked up to see the relieved look across her face. "You're fine Mia. They couldn't find any arrow wounds, some pretty vicious scavengers got to the- uh bodies, rather fast."

I felt relief wash over me at her smile, though I still had no idea why she was being so kind. We smiled at each other for a moment, sharing a look of agreement, we were on the same side- whatever that meant. Atticus, however, broke the silent conversation between Marie and I with a cough. "Well then." He began awkwardly pressing his lips into a hard line. "I offer you my sincerest apologies on behalf of the entire council Miss Cassidy. Elder Worth shall be...spoken to for his rather rash and unbacked accusation and we will set a date for your wedding and initiation soon. You are excused."

I let out an audible breath of relief I didn't know I was holding and ran through the large redwood doors behind me and into Zak's arms.

"You're safe?" He asked a hopeful smile, etched across his lips.

"Yeah, I'm safe. They didn't find anything- not that they would but-"

"I know what you mean. I never doubted you- but everyone was too focused on you to notice any arrows last night and some of the guys were beginning to wonder... News travels fast, you know I just- I worry-"

"It's alright Zak." I laughed noticing his nerves.


We walked into the warm sunlight taking in the sweet smell of fresh air. My lungs were aching from being trapped in that cage of a room for so long and I was truly grateful for the feeling of the wind's gentle breath against my skin. There was a buttery kind of springtime warmth, that had been cradled in the cooling whispers of clouds.

"Mia, there's something we need to talk about." Zak stated nervously, shifting his weight onto the last step leading away from the meeting hall. "What Atticus said in there, what I admitted to-"

"Don't worry about it. We really don't need to go over...what was said. What happens in the meeting house, stays in the meeting house." I answered, unable to look at him. Not since he let that information out. Not since he let how he felt slip.

"Damn it Mia! I don't want to pretend anymore. We're engaged and though it might not have happened the way it should have, I'm happy for it-"

"Don't say that, being forced into marriage isn't right!" I warned, finally turning to look into his eyes.

"But it's true, that's how I feel. And I know you don't feel the same way but if we're going to spend our lives together I think we owe it to ourselves to try. For you to try."

"Zak, I can't just-"

"Go out with me."

"Zak..." I pleading with him to not continue with my eyes but he was too determined.

"One date, Mia. Just one damn date, please? Let me show you that this situation isn't all bad." I tried to interject but he shook his head in defiance. "I've seen the way you've been acting since I told you the COE's decision for us to get married. I know you're scared and maybe this isn't the life you would have chosen but it's been chosen for you." I wanted to cry, the day had been an emotional roller coaster and my wolf was just beginning to come back into my head, a little mad that I locked her out. I felt trapped and scared and a million other things but more than that I was determined. Determined to keep the people I cared about around me for as long as I could.


"Wait. You mean you'll do it? You'll go out with me?" He asked, eyes lighting up like a child.

"Yes, but don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you've been waiting for this all you're life. We're friends Zak and I love you but not in the way you want me to. I just need time to sort things out." I sighed, pulling my hair over my shoulder to get it off of my burning neck.

"Alright." He agreed solemnly, trying to contain his smile. "I'll pick you up tomorrow night at seven."

I nodded in agreement, watching him walk down the dirt road in the direction of his house, a skip in his step. It was all going too fast. My life had never been very complicated. There weren't any life altering decisions to be made. No mates or confessions or council members with a taste for my blood. There had never been a moment that I had a million questions but not a single answer.

I was about to head home when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What now?" I bit out in anger, turning around with my lips pulled back into a sneer. I immediately felt guilty when I saw a young girl who couldn't have been much older than fourteen with a box clutched in her hands so tightly that her knuckles were white. "Oh no, I'm so sorry- I... It's been a bad day."

Her frightened expression faded when I let a weary smile onto my face. "It's alright miss. I was told to give you this though." She handed me the black box and I took it, confused. There was a golden rim around the lid, making a vine pattern that curved around in a complicated series of indented lines but other than that nothing. No indication of it's purpose or origin.

"Are you sure it's for me?" I asked tracing my fingers over the metal that hugged each corner.

"You're Mia Cassidy, right?"


"Then it's for you." The look in her eyes told me she knew something I didn't. There was a certain wisdom there that I couldn't quite put my finger on. "Good luck, Mia. You look like you might need it." At that she turned toward the marble structure behind us and walked away briskly. Leaving me with the mystery box and a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. One thing was definite though; I would need as much luck as I could get.

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