Chapter 32: Tara Has a Boyfriend?

Start from the beginning

Liam: ...

Harry: ...

Zayn: ...

Louis: PLEASE!!!

Niall: What? Do you guys know something?

Louis: Pretty please!!!

Harry: Lads, we have to

Harry's POV

I look at our conversation, knowing we have to tell Niall the truth. I know he'll be mad at us, but he wouldn't be as mad if we tell him now than later.

I look at Liam and he looks confused. I can tell that he's not sure if it's a good idea to tell him. But if we don't tell him then Niall will find out and beat us all senseless.


Zayn: No

Louis' fingers start flying over his screen as he types up what we have been hiding from him. My phone vibrates in my hand, so I look down and read the long paragraph.

Louis: Niall, Tara has a boyfriend named Hunter. He moved to the States to find a new job. Tara says he's been acting weird lately. And then he broke it off. But now he wants to get back together. She wasn't sure if she should or not considering the fact that they skyped while he was at some girl's house. Last I heard, Tara had said no to Hunter's request to get back together

I look at Louis, his face in a relaxed expression. I know it's been killing him to keep this secret, but I can't believe he just said it. Like, Niall is going to read this and freak out.

"Why'd you do that?" Liam asks, annoyance thick in his voice.

"Because I'd die if I didn't tell him!" Louis says. I laugh. Liam looks at me and glares. I stick my tongue out at him, but Liam doesn't even acknowledge our little quarrel.

Niall's POV

Tara has a boyfriend? Why didn't I know this? Why didn't I know this! Of course she has a boyfriend! I mean, she's fucking beautiful. I don't know how guys could resist her. She's just beautiful inside and out. Everything about her is amazing.

"Why am I feeling crushed about this?" I ask myself softly. I shake my head, my hands running through my once perfectly done hair. I look out the window, my head spinning. I bang my fist against the couch cushion.

"Are y-you okay?" Tara stutters. I look over at her, her blue eyes looking grey and lifeless. I nod my head slowly.

"Are you okay?" I ask, standing up. I reach over to wipe a tear off her cheek, but she backs away. She walks backwards until she hits the curtain and almost fall to the ground. I watch her, confused as to why she's acting weird.

"I-I'm fine. Just, um," Tara says. Her eyes are flicking from one object to the next. I look at her, trying so hard to figure out what's happening inside her head.

"Tara," I say, slowly moving towards her. Tara looks at me with fear in her eyes, "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know what's wrong."

"N-nothing is wrong," Tara says softly, looking away. I stop where I am. What the heck is happening!? Why isn't she talking to me? I think.

"Blueberry, just tell me what happened."

"GO AWAY!" Tara yells. She runs over to the bus door and flings it open. She jumps out and runs to the hotel. I dash to the door and watch as she opens the hotel doors. I don't follow her, mainly because I know that that would only end in catastrophe. But also because I don't even know what I'd say. She seemed so scared and fragile just then. If I said or did the wrong thing, she could break down crying or she could snap and yell at me to leave her alone. Neither of those seem appealing.

I pick up my phone and text the boys.

Niall: Tara's not coming

Liam: Why not?

Niall: I DON'T KNOW!

I throw my phone in the passenger seat of the car and start the engine. I pull out and drive to the studio, my mind not focusing at all.



Heylo! Okay, two things. I'll start with the good part: I wanna make a shout out to an author that has made me laugh, cry, and so much more. I have no idea who she is, but the story I read gave me to the feels too many times not to mention her. Anywho, the story is called Oh, How I Wish That Was Me by @kels25. So, go read it!

Now, onto the second (and devastating) news. I was just innocently searching Liam Payne (nothing unusual for me) when I saw an article by The Sun. It was titled "One Direction Splitting Up?". My fingers clicked on the link and I nearly burst into tears when I read the first paragraph. I don't know if you already know this, but as of August 22, 2015 One Direction has decided to take at LEAST a year off after their On The Road Again tour ends. That means no world tour to promote their fifth (and quite possibly last) album. DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS!?!?! It means that One Direction is taking their first year off in five years. Which means that Louis will be spending time with his first kid, Liam and Sophia will be hanging out together a lot (which isn't bad at all), Harry might start acting, and Niall might find his princess (which is bad for me!). All within this one, tiny year. I'm probably overreacting, but I've literally only been a Directioner for three months. They can't break up! I love them too much to give up just yet. I mean, a year is 12 months; 53 weeks; 365 days; 8,766 hours; 525,949 minutes, 31,556,926 seconds! So many things can (AND WILL!) happen during this break they are taking.

Well, that's all I've got to say. I'm completely crushed and heartbroken, but this is life. It's part of the roller coaster called life. There will be bumps and twists and turns and upside downs. It's all inevitable. But this break was a complete curve ball. I never saw it coming. And I will most likely never meet my heroes.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me! Thanks so much for reading. Love ya.

P.S. See! I can't even put my exclamation point at the end of my closure. That's how sad I am! :-(

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