Chapter 22

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Vera's Point Of View

I wanted to have sex with her.
Again, and again, and again.

I physically craved her.
It was also getting to a point where it felt like my heart was aching to make her mine completely.

Fucking around with her began to feel childish. I wanted to make her my girlfriend.
The idea of being in a relationship was scary, but what was even scarier was having no real leg to stand on if she decided to entertain anyone else.

I've heard the phrase, "So what? It's not like I'm your girlfriend." before, and it pissed me off.

"Please fuck me." Charlotte demanded.

It was like she knew that she could get anything out of me just by saying please.
In her defense, she wasn't wrong.

I was a stubborn individual by nature.
I would do things whenever and however I felt fit, with little to no consideration as to how it would affect others.

Was it my world, or theirs?

I didn't like getting caught up in the emotions of others, but for her I was more than willing to make an exception.

"You begging me?"
"Yeah I'm fucking begging you." Charlotte grabbed my face and kissed me roughly, suckling at my tongue like a bee would suck the nectar out of a pretty flower.

My ex-girlfriend was my first and only attempt at a relationship.
After all, she was the one who helped me realise that I was attracted to women.

I teased her as I pulled my head back, "You sure? Because you're quick to beg for it, but even quicker to tap out."

Our gazes remained interlocked.

She challenged me, as she always did, "Why would I ask for something I'm not ready for?"
"Because you don't know what you're asking for, cutie." I chuckled softly at her face being twisted into a combination of a frown and girlish pout.

Charlotte had a way of challenging me that many others couldn't.
Her approach towards me wasn't rough or demanding.
She didn't have to scream or cuss in order for me to be captivated and want to go toe-to-toe with her.

Instead, Charlotte would tilt her pretty head at me, blink those even prettier eyes, and say the kind of words you'd only expect from a charming puppeteer.

"Then tell me. What exactly is it that I'm asking for, Vera?"

My mind flashed back to when she didn't even know my name, and would only refer to me as Viper.
Things change.

I tucked her hair behind her ear delicately despite my harsh words, "For me to stretch you out like the pussy drunk slut that you are."
A vixen-like giggle escaped her lips, "You wanna know what I think?"

I raised my eyebrow curiously.
I was used to her getting flustered and stumbling over her words whenever I spoke to her so crudely.

"I think you're all bark, and no bite." Charlotte used her fingertip to boop my nose, "You're using your words to scare me. But when it comes down to it, your pitch wouldn't match your execution."

She pinched a nerve that I didn't know I had.
Was my precious baby under the impression that I couldn't, and wouldn't, fuck her dumb?

"Oh?" my lips curled into an evil smile.
"Oh." she echoed my words, her cocky tone didn't leave her voice.
"Tell me, doll face," I squished her face with my slender fingers as I brought her closer to me, "When have I ever disappointed you?"

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