One last Day

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    Hi.My name is Abigail Ashworth.I'm 17 years old.I have a bestfriend named Aeron Kaelin.I've known since we were kids.Let's start.

            "Morning,Abi.How's your sleep?"

This is what I heard when I woke up.It was Aeron sitting in a chair,reading a book.

"What are you doing here?"I said while punching his shoulder.

"Come on.Get up already!You promised we would hang out again one day before the school starts,"he said while doing a puppy face.

"Alright.Just leave my room and I'll take a bath,"I stood up and went to the bathroom.After 10 minutes,I was finished and already dressed so I got down.

I found Aeron sitting on a couch.He was asleep.

I smirked and said,"You need to practice more.It's too obvious that you're just acting!"

Finally,he got up and walked towards the door."I know.I was just practicing."

Then I followed him.

We went to the mall and watched a movie.After that,we ate a t a restaurant.We spent almost an hour  at the book store because I wanted to buy a new book.

Then we took a walk at the park.As we passed through people,sometimes they said that we were a cute couple.Since we don't know what to do,we just quietly laughed.We finished the day playing in the arcade.Aeron was great playing diffirent kind of games so he always won a teddy bear.He always gives it to me so i have tons of stuff toys in my room.

After that,he walked me home.When we entered,mom was already home from work.

"Oh,welcome,honey.How was your last day with Aeron?"she said,"I can see it went pretty well."

"Yeah."I answered shortly.

"Good evening,auntie.Sorry but i can't stay for too long."Aeron said.


The,Aeron closed the door and I went upstairs.

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