Like Sunshine In Rain

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Like sunshine in rain
You lit up my world
But like sunshine in a storm
You were only here for a little while
Warming my soul with your warm Rays
Just to rip them away making me colder than I was before
You tangled my mind
Twisted and turned it into a mess
You're eyes enchanted me
Leading me to an abyss
Blindly following hoping for the best
I trusted you to catch me when I fell off the edge
Yet like sunshine in rain
You lit up the truth
And with knives as your weapon
You sliced me open as I fell
And I fell hard into to the darkness
I grabbed for your hand
You held it out then snatched it away
Laughing in my face as I fell
Deep, deep into the mind tangling abyss that is my heart
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I've been so busy. I'm moving and it has been pretty hectic. I hope you enjoy this one. I'm kind of retreating into an abyss right now so please be patient. Thank you and I love you all. 💕
Enjoy loves.

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