#114 Remember When..

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"Remember when" (his POV)



"...We'd stay on the stage of my concert, and lay together in the centre until every single person was gone. And then we'd order some food, and get it delivered to the venue, and eat there, just the two of us."


"...You and I would run around a mall, and make friends with old couples. Just to hear them tell us how cute we are together."


"...Every few months, we'd drive to the airport, and choose where to go the day we would be leaving."


"..I fell asleep in your closet when I was hiding from your parents, but I liked it because the whole place smelt like you."


"..We'd sneak out the tour bus , and walk to a fast food place near buy, and we'd sass all the workers there and tell them off. But then we'd give them all hugs because we were so mean..."



This one took some deep thoughts but I really like it! Thx for reading! Love u


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