Im feeling 22! Not. Okay maybe.

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It's been another week since I went over to Lisa's. Since then I've started looking for other jobs. So far I applied for a secretary position in Lisa's work and I've applied for school to get an education to major in something. I'll do anything just to keep my mind off of everything.

Today is my birthday too. Louis isn't here like he usually is and I'm kind of sad about it. It's already eight o'clock and he hasn't called; when we were in eighth grade he called me at midnight and I loved it so much because no one stayed up and called me on my birthday. I thought it was the sweetest thing.

"KARMATHA OPEN YOUR DOOR!" Someone shouted.

I looked up from my phone, watching Spot scope out the door. I finally decided to get up when he didn't bark at the door. I opened the door to Lisa. She was wearing a baggy grey sweater, her pink hair tucked away in a black beanie, skinny jeans, and a pair of red TOMS.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She threw her hands in the air and hugged me.

"Thanks." I smiled weakly wishing it was Louis.

"I know what you're thinking, I'm not Louis," she said as if she read my mind, "But I have a whole day planned. Get dressed." She commanded.

I nodded and chose a pair of skinny jeans, a lacy shirt, and a pair of sparkly TOMS. Twinkies on the TOMS.

"Perfect." She grabbed my hand, "Let's go." She whisked me out the door to her car.


After Lisa whisked me out of the apartment we went to the mall and tried on dresses like every teenager does. It would have been more fun if I wasn't waiting for Louis to give me a call. I had been clinging to my phone since this morning. I was just waiting, I wanted just to hear him say happy birthday like he did every year. I had this feeling it wouldn't happen.

"Karm, stop looking at your phone! You've been staring at it all day!" Lisa slapped her hand on the table, shaking it.

"Sorry!" I shoved my phone in my pocket, putting it on the highest volume possible. "I'm just waiting for a call..."

She sighed, "Louis?"

I nodded and stood up to throw away our wrappers from the pretzel we had just eaten.

"Karm, he's probably performing right now!" She ran after me as I began to walk away. I didn't feel like discussing this right now. Not here. Not today.

"Karm please talk to me!" Lisa pleaded, walking in front of me backwards.

"Lisa," I croaked, "The way you said it before you knew it was suppose to be Louis is what is making walk out right now." I was waiting for the tears to come down like a water fall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know.." She sighed.

"It's fine.. I shouldn't even be mad at you. I should be mad at Louis. He used to call at midnight on my birthday. Not even one text."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know. I wanted to take you out to get your mind off of him since you know it's only few months away..." She sighed.

"I know," I swallowed hard, a lump forming in my throat, "Can we just go back to my apartment now?"

She smiled weakly and nodded, finding her car in the middle of a, yet another, rainy day.

Just. A. Great. Birthday.


Lisa had gone back to her apartment to check on Buddy and get some sleep. I went to my apartment to eat ice cream and watch romance movies.

I had fallen asleep on the couch and was woken up by the sound of my phone going off.

My eyes popped open, searching for my phone in the blankets. I finally found it answering, "Hello."

"Karm." Louis said. I could feel his smile as he said my name. It all felt natural.

"Yes?" I felt myself getting annoyed at him for A. Not calling B. waking me in the middle of the night. I squinted at the clock and saw it read 11:59. Louis was just in time.

"Happy Birthday!" He laughed, "I would never forget alright? Nothing can come between us. We're two peas in a pod." He whispered.

"I hate idioms.." I whispered back, he laughed, "Then why'd you wait until almost the next day?"

"I wanted to be the last person to tell you happy birthday. Anyone can be the first but you'll always remember the last person." He whispered back. My heart did giant flips.

"Well... Thank you Louis." I smiled, "Im going back to sleep its been.... a long day."

"Alright. Goodnight." He kept whispering; I felt as if he was sitting next to me whispering goodnight as I wish he was.

"Goodnight." I hung up then curled up in a ball, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Loved You FirstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora