Chapter 13: Decision

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Anja shook her head repeatedly before saying, "Aimee, what have you just said? Are you for real?"

"I have no choice, Anja. Seb has often been upset lately due to his physical condition. It's impossible if we force him to remember everything about his life now. He won't accept it."

"You know that I can't do that. It tortured me a lot this afternoon when we entered his room and I had to pretend to be his partner. I feel like I'm betraying Ben and I'm sure that I'm also hurting you."

"Please, Anja, help me.." Aimee said before she sobbed.

Bianca felt that the idea made by her niece was so wrong. "Aimee, can we please talk outside the room for a couple of minutes?"

She nodded. "Sure."

Both of them stood from the couch and Bianca nodded at them all as she asked for permission to talk to Aimee in private. When both of them had been in front of the door, she asked, "Aimee, why do you think this is the best idea? It feels wrong in so many ways."

"I'm sorry, aunt Bianca. As I said, I don't have any other option. We have to do this together for Seb."

Bianca held both of Aimee's upper arms. "Aimee, it's not that I don't trust Anja. I know that she is in love with her boyfriend. But what if this becomes a, let's say, boomerang for you? What if she falls in love with Seb again when she is playing the pretending to be his partner game? Have you thought about this all?"

The depth of Bianca's concern really surprised Aimee. But she was more than sure that she could trust Anja and believed that she wouldn't have a feeling for Seb anymore as she was deeply in love with Benjamin.

"I don't think so. I'm so sure that she won't fall in love with Seb again."

"But with pretending to be his partner, it means that they will live under the same roof, sleep on the same bed, and they will do intimate things like kissing and hugging each other. What if they do something more intimate? You are only hurting yourself, Aimee."

Aimee tried so hard not to sob as she had to convince her aunt whom she had considered as her own mother. "Aunt Bianca, please. I know, I have thought about it. I'm sure that Anja won't do anything off the limit."

"What about you? If they live together then what about you? Where will you live?"

"Erm, I'll probably seek for a job so there'll be a reason for me to live there. Then, Anja can persuade Seb to let me live with them. Or maybe the second option is.. I will live at Antti's house as it isn't too far from ours."

Bianca shook her head gently. "You've really thought about this so deeply."


Her hands moved from her upper arms to her hands and held it tightly. "Aimee, I'm sorry for having this concern. You know that I care a lot about you, right? Since Hans and Frederica passed away, Nathan and I are your parents."

"Of course, I know. You both are the best parents I have after my own parents. You've both helped me a lot."

Bianca finally gave in and agreed with her idea, although it would always feel so heavy. "Alright. If you think that it's the best thing to do, then do it. But we have to listen to what Anja and Ben say about it. With her pretending to be Seb's partner, it means that she has to leave Germany, her family, her boyfriend, and also her job."

"Thank you, aunt Bianca. I hope that they will understand and also agree with my idea."

"Okay. Now let's go back to the room."

Bianca opened the door and they sat back down where they had left before. Aimee could sense that they all were wondering what she had talked about with her aunt. But for her, it would remain the conversation between the two of them.

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