Chapter 21

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I have no idea what made Everest spook the way he did yesterday. I decide to go for a walk to clear my mind.

I see a little miniature pony in Mr. Jimmison's paddock. He's so cute. I go over to pet him, but something is buried into the ground next to the paddock.

It's a whip. I dig it out and take it onto Mr. Jimmison's porch and knock on his door. He answers.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

"Is this yours? I found it buried near the paddock over there." I ask him, holding out the whip. He takes a look at it.

"Nope. I've never owned a whip in my life." he replies before going back inside. Does this mean that Everest was provoked?

And if he was, was the person who provoked him trying to blame it on Mr. Jimmison? This is weird.

Why would somebody do this. I take the whip and walk back home. Everest freaks out when I take the whip to put into the tack room.

I try to calm him down. He only calms down when I give him hay. Typical of him. I definitely think that he spooked at the whip yesterday.

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