Chapter 2

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Natalie Pov
I woke up to an empty bed. I thought daddy was supposed to sleep in here too.

I frowned and sat up in bed. "Did he leave me? I knew it, they were just pretending to like me. I'm not good enough for anybody to love."

I let the tears roll down my cheeks, and I muffled a sob in a pillow. I was hungry, but I don't know if I should eat.

I know would I should do, die...

I think I should just downstairs and gather up my loneliness.

I wipe my eyes and just sit in bed until I feel like I won't cry anymore. But, I can't help the silent tears streaming down my face as I wipe them away.



"Can I come in?"

I stay silent. Honestly, I need someone to touch. I spot a pink bunny with floopy ears.

I grab it and lay back the other way, facing away from the door. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. Doesn't work. I get out the bed, dragging Mr. Flops (The bunny) with me.

I walk downstairs, where only Unca Lau is sitting on the couch, reading a book.

My feet patter against the wood, but it's quiet, so no one can hear it. I climb onto Unca Lau's lap and he wrapped his arms around me as I leaned back onto him.

"You slept long."

"I was tired."

I almost fall asleep again, but Unca Lau stands up and carries me to the kitchen.

"Want some cereal?"


"What do you want?"

"I don't know."

"Haven't you been asked that question before."

I shook my head and he got out a bowl and Frosted Flakes.

What are those?

He pours cereal and milk into a bowl and adds a spoon.

"Eat up."

He places the bowl on a small table with a chair, and then leaves. "What is this anyways?"

I push it around the bowl until I actually decide to taste it. This was good!

I ate it and just sat and the table with Mr.Flops.

"I, am Mr.Flops. The amazing superhero bunny. Dun dun dunnnnn."

I pretended that Mr.Flops was flying. I wasn't aware that daddy and Unca Lau had walked into the kitchen and were video taping me.

"Well, thats a keeper. On twitter it goes."

I jump and then relax. I stand up and walk over to daddy. He crouches down to my height and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Natalie, you were in this kitchen for two hours. It's two fifty seven now. You have to get your hair done an hour."

"I have what, do now huh?"

"Just go get dressed."


I walk out the kitchen and upstairs to my room.

"It's hot out so wear something cool!" Larry shouts.

I pick out khaki shorts, a red Polo t-shirt, and tan Vans.

I put on the shorts first and the shirt second. I find a pair of white small socks in a drawer. I take Mr. Flops and the shoes in my hand and walk downstairs.

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