Part Two ~ The Malik Family.

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Recap: Zeehan turned his face to the other side, mumbling a small, "Fuck,"

"What did you just say?" Aditya growled.


Aditya's eyes narrowed, he felt as if his ears were being deceitful, there was no way his son would use vulgar language. "What did I just hear?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Zeehan repeated, his hand slamming on the couch.

Aditya grabbed him by the arm and stood him up, swiftly laying three hard swats to his bottom. "Don't you dare ever repeat that word, am I clear?"

Zeehan's eyes blurred with tears, a sob bubbling up in his throat, as he stared dumbfounded at his Papa, who held no sense of softness in his eyes. "P-Papa,"

Aditya landed another swat then turned a sobbing Zeehan back around, "Oww, Papa."

"I asked you something. Am I clear?" Aditya asked.

Zeehan, who was clueless to what the word meant, bobbed his head rapidly, "S-Sowwy, 'm S-Sowwy!"

"Go to the corner," Aditya ordered, letting go of Zeehan's arm.

"P-Papa," Zaain called out. He could not see his brother crying yet he didn't want to confront his Papa either. "Bhaiyu is sad,"

"Zaain, your bhaiyu said a no-no word," Aditya explained briefly, his eyes still glued to a sobbing Zeehan, whose cries had escalated.

"P-Papa," Zeehan's voice trembled through the sobs that wracked his body.

Aditya leaned down and wiped the tears from Zeehan's cheek yet new ones replaced them, "I-I won't c-call you b-bad a-again. 'm sowwy!"

Aditya's eyebrows furrowed and he crouched down fully, cupping Zeehan's face In his hands, "Shh. Calm down. I did not punish you for calling me bad-"

Aditya halted, a sudden realisation striking him, "Did you think that word meant 'bad'?"

Zeehan bobbed his head, his cries growing historically loud, "'m S-Sowwy,"

"Shhh. It's okay, calm down." Aditya said, cursing himself for not asking beforehand. Zeehan was young in age, it was not possible he would know such words unless he'd been taught them.

He picked him up in him arms and rocked him gently, "Shhh. That word does not mean 'bad', baccha. I'm sorry, I should've asked you if you knew it. Papa is so very sorry."

"Bhaiyu," Zaain whimpered, grabbing a hold of Aditya's trousers and tugging at them. He did not like to see his brothers cry.

Aditya ruffled Zaain's hair briefly, guiding him to the couch while trying to calm Zeehan in his arms, "Zeehu, baby, bss. It's okay."

Aditya did not want Zeehan to stress himself further. If his glucose levels increase, the amount of dosage for insulin would have to be increased. He gently patted Zeehan's back, kissing his head occasionally as he took a seat on the couch, bringing Zaain on his left thigh while Zeehan rested on his right one.

Zeehan sniffled and Aditya brought him out of his chest, retrieving a handkerchief to wipe the runny nose. He stared at the rosy and puffy cheeks, while Zeehan's were glistened with water. The sight was truly adorable.

"Zeehu," Aditya said lovingly.

Zeehan stared at his hand, completely ignoring Aditya, when he suddenly found a small hand grabbing his t-shirt, "Bhaiyu,"

Zeehan sniffled, "Y-Yes Ain,"

Zaain glanced at him sadly before turning his gaze to Aditya and punching his chest, "Meanie, Papa!

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