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~ some time later ~

I paced back and forth in the living room, biting my fingernails. My eyes were glued to my phone, waiting for Jay to call me back. And when he finally did, I answered on the first ring.

"What they say?" I sighed, tryna mentally prepare for whatever the answer may be.

"They charging her with aggravated assault..." Jay started to speak and I immediately felt overwhelmed.

It's always something...

~ two days earlier ~

"Tay." I called. "Hm." she quietly answered, standing in Lyrics doorway. Lyric was peacefully sleeping and Tayleigh was watching her. It was clear she was a little anxious.

Tayleigh had made this a habit ever since Lyric was taken from school. Some nights she would even sleep on the floor beside Lyric's bed.

"She's sleep. She's okay." I rubbed Tayleigh's back softly. "I know, I just..." Tayleigh paused mid sentence. "I wanna make sure she doesn't have a nightmare or anything." she expressed.

"I understand. At least lay down if you wanna stay with her. I want you to get some sleep." I told her.

"I don't need no sleep. I'm good." Tayleigh shook her head. "You're not. You've barely slept these past few days." I stated, concerned.

"I'll sleep when I know that bitch is dead or will never be able to get to Lyric again." Tayleigh slowly nodded. "That's when I'll sleep." she then smiled a little.

"You starting to get a little delirious and crazy bae. Go to sleep." I sighed.

"Nah. I don't understand how you're all calm. This shit is serious business." Tayleigh spoke. "I'm well aware. And I'm not calm. At all actually." I expressed.

"I already stress enough as is. I don't wanna stress too much. Not while I'm pregnant." I said.

"Yea...right." Tayleigh spoke in a shady tone.

"Fuck does that mean?" I questioned. "Nothing. Just seem like you forgot how serious this shit is once you found out it was Lyric's birth mom who took her." Tayleigh scoffed.

"Nah, I ain't forget. You're just scared. Admit it Tayleigh." I crossed my arms.

"Who the fuck scared? Scared of what? I ain't got shit to be scared of." Tayleigh smacked her lips, walking off.

I watched as she went into our bedroom.

"You've grown on Lyric as much as she's grown on you. And now you're scared her mother will take it all away-" I started to explain. "She's not her mother." Tayleigh interrupted me.

"You know what I mean. Her birth giver. You're afraid she's gonna get custody of Lyric. But she's not. Cause I have custody of Lyric. We have custody. It's obvious that her birth giver just wants to claim her for taxes, food stamps and whatnot. The judge will not adhere to that shit. Especially after she took her from school. Trust me I-" I expressed, then got interrupted.

"I'm finna go smoke." Tayleigh left out of the room. I stood there, confused. And somewhat emotional.

I panicked when Lyric was taken from school. I cried. I prayed. But Tayleigh...for some reason everything was hitting her so hard. And it almost seemed as if she was hiding something.

"I digress..." I mumbled to myself, laying down.

Some time passed and eventually I was laying in the dark, scrolling on my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2024 ⏰

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