13. You're safe now

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~••♡•▪| KORI NOVIKOV |▪︎•♡••~

I had spent the last few weeks getting to and from work with Ares. He was extremely punctual.

He picked me up everyday at the exact same time in the morning and was waiting outside of work 5 minutes before my shift ended.

It was odd having someone drive me places. The only time this was a norm in my life was when I lived with my father.  We had a personal chauffeur   that was to take me to school and shopping and basically anything that my father didn't want to do.

Which was a lot of things. I spent more time with Dimi than I did with my own parents.

"Hey Kor," Charlie beamed at me as she pinned up her hair and untied her apron.

"hmm," I hummed,  untying my apron as well and bending down to reach my bag.

"You think you're up for a party this weekend?"

Since Ares had given me money during that time I stayed with him, I knew that I could use it as a backup in case I ever needed to do anything for myself. And this time I didn't feel uneasy or on edge about not having enough money for the month.

"You know what?"


"I'm in, just send me the details," I smiled at her and her eyes widened in shock. She practically bounced with excitement,  immediately pulling out her phone to text me the details of the party. 

I smiled to myself.

I was on closing duty shift today. The day got away faster than usual. I was complaining. I was beyond exhausted and was just happy to finally be able to go home and wrap myself in my blanket and go to sleep.

Yet, I could never have an ounce of peace and my cleaning routine was interrupted.  The bell that hung on the door rang.

And stood there was Gene, with a horrible scowl on his face. His fists were clenched at his sides as he looked at me.

I felt frozen in my tracks as my eyes met his.

"Where's that rich little boyfriend of yours?" He asked and my eyes widened in realisation. 

He was speaking about Ares , which meant that he had seen me jump into the car. "I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to sound convincing but my voice failed me as I tumbled over the words.

"Don't play dumb with me, you're nothing but a gold digging whore," he said, taking a step forward. My hand tightened around the mop stick.

"You're fucking him to get a ride in his fancy little car, pathetic,"

Tears burned at the rims of my eyes as I watched him grow angrier and louder the more he stepped closer.

Was he jealous?

I couldn't tell, I didn't even care.

I did, however, care that he seemed to have gotten much closer , almost backing up against one of the booths with nowhere to run.

My body acted before my mind could catch up and I threw the mop at him, causing him to stumble back.

He stared at me in utter disbelief and I could only muster a glare.

Before I could even react his hand reached out and slapped me across the face, so hard that I fell to the floor. My shriek echoed across the clean tiles. 

Kori Novikov | 18+Where stories live. Discover now