Chapter 41 911

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Lucas' POV

A week had passed since Kristen went missing. Police reports had been bombarding televisions, left and right but not a trace of her existence was left. Any clue of where she could be was looked at, yet no one had any idea where she could be. To say that school was terrible was an understatement.

Everyone in school now knew about Kristen's disappearance. I mean why wouldn't they? A high school student from our little town got kidnapped.A surprise assembly took place informing the students that if they had any information on the subject, they were to report to the police immediately.I was called in several times for questioning, mainly every time after they got a quote or something from a new witness, so they asked me again and again; what were you doing at the time of Kristen's kidnapping and the time that led up to it. So, again and again I would answer with the same depressing story that got harder to hear every time it was repeated.

As far as my peers and the teachers, they were all sympathetic about what was happening. Teachers let me leave at anytime if I had to make a phone call which was nice on their behalf, but I felt they were just pitying me. It got to the point of discluding me from homework and class work they thought would have been a 'burden' I suppose. Much to their disbelief I can still do work.

Although the teachers had nothing on the students. Not all of them of course, just the ones that didn't understand what I was going through for whatever reason.People asked me what it was like and how I was feeling and about 99 percent of them didn't actually care about my feelings or thoughts, they just wanted to satisfy their own curiosity.I noticed some people through the hallways that were whispering as I past, and I doubt they were talking about the cute guy sitting behind them in biology or the history project they had due next week. I felt isolated and restricted all while feeling so vulnerable and that there was no one in the world that cared about me and what was going on.The entire week I decided to have my headphones in, listening to anything but the voices surrounding me.

What angered me the most was when Andrea and her group of friends came up to me during lunch and joked around about my availibility. This was at lunch and I wanted to slap her so badly. I wouldn't do it of course, I would never lay my hands on a girl to inflict pain. I shocked myself when I heard the force of a hand hit a face, thankfully not my own. Alex stood up to Andrea and her friends for the first time ever and damn was I proud of her. This was a milestone for her.

Andrea and her group of friends scurried away, but not after calling Alex a bitch and declaring that life is better without Kristen. That's when Clara lost her shit. Not literally but the look in her eyes was anything but pleasant. As Andrea was walking away, Clara stuck out her foot and tripped Andrea. She feel to the ground with a hard thud, the heel coming off of her shoe. Andrea screeched in pain, (and for the record I doubt it was about the fall or slap), shot up quickly and grabbed at Clara's hair. Clara threw a punch and fell to the ground, landing on top of Andrea.

Students from all parts of the cafeteria rushed in to form a circle, all the while repeated 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT'. I attempted to get them apart, yet with no luck. I actually ended up getting kicked, so I decided to back off. The fight continued for a few minutes more until a few teachers split them up, taking them and the rest of us to the front office.

So here I am sitting in the back of a space that looks eerily like an interrogation room, my left hand holding a bag of ice on my cheek, petting a search dog with my right. His tail was wagging calmly.

"What in the heavens happened to the three of you?" The principal exclaimed as she stepped into the room. The dog bowed down a bit to her voice. Clara and Andrea immediately started shouting over each other about what happened. I tried to talk but whenever I did, another shout would come. The principle slammed a hand down on the table.

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