It's been ten years since the Stones family lost their little girl.
In those ten years, Alexandra Rose has grown up with an abusive foster father who has neglected her to the point where she almost reached death.
One day, two men find Alexandra in...
Hey guys! I'm excited to say that I have my second book up!! You guys can check out the characters aesthetic and read the description hehe.
And hopefully, I'll have the first chapter up by January!
I've worked really hard on this book, planning and writing it whenever I'm free— even during breaks at work and before I sleep or on the way out. I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as I love writing it <3
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Heavens Haven
Emery Rayne.
Everyone expects you to have the perfect life when you have rich parents. They assume that you've grown up getting anything and everything you want. Money has never been the problem for my parents.
Their problem was me.
And once I turned nineteen, I left. I've always wanted to leave because they never loved me growing up. They were too into their own rich life that they completely neglected and abandoned me.
I wanted to escape. And now that I finally have, I couldn't be happier. Unexpectedly rooming with two hockey players whose lives revolve around hockey wasn't a problem for me. That was until a blue eyed- tattooed boy showed me how beautiful love can be.
I wasn't suppose to fall for Haven West. I try not to like him, but I fall even harder. But I carry a heavy past around my shoulders and when those two familiar people threaten me with Havens life, I'm stuck between choosing him, or them.
Because my parents make me feel like I can't have Haven West. And if I'm being honest, even I don't know if I can have him. But he calls me his special person.
He's my special person, if anything.
Haven West.
The only thing I've ever cared about was hockey and the people that raised me. I grew up with parents that held a knife to my neck and destroyed my image of happiness.
When she moved in, I hated it. When a month passed by, I couldn't help but take her out on a night drive, smiling at how tight she holds me. There's no one like her.
She was the one that made me laugh because of how fucking silly she is. She saw me when all I've ever wanted was for my parents to love me. I didn't know that fucked up parents was the one thing we had in common.
And I fucked myself up getting attached to her. Because now, I'm addicted to her. I'm a smiling bastard whenever she's around.
I'm broken and never believed in love but I can't let her go because she's what I would describe heaven to be like. Loving Emery Rayne is the best fucking feeling.