chapter 1 episode 15

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right na I was changing clothes , a nigga was tired of sav

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right na I was changing clothes , a nigga was tired of sav.

bitch be aggy

" mmm , you leaving?" she asked , " yea." I dry replied

" can .. you just stay one more day?" she said rubbing her eyes.

" na , I got shit to do." I said putting my shirt on , she sighed and opened her eyes

" you always got something to do , never have time for me" she mumbled the last part

I ignored her and grabbed my stuff , " i'a talk to you later" I said walking out the room and to the door


I walked in the door to my hbs sitting onna couch , " dam hollywood" joir said laughing

" nigga get some pussy and say fuck us" myair said laughing too

" i'a beat everybody ass , spwm" I said walking to my room

" ya gone make this nigga mad watch " c2 said on his phone

" ain't nobody mad." I said closing the door after me

damn I miss my lady

12:45pm | the gas station|

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12:45pm | the gas station|

" I do not feel like going in here." I said rubbing my face

" me either" lani whinned

" okay come on , I still gotta find what imma wear tonight" I said turning the car off and heading in

" same , I think imma wear leather pants tho" she said getting out ..

" ehh , you better than me .. I'm wearing a skirt" I said opening the door

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