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"Good Morning, JJ." Dr. Loomis greeted her when the blonde stepped into her office.

"Morning." JJ gave her a half smile before sitting down on the couch in front of her.

She hated this office, she hated everything about it. Dr. Loomis was a lovely woman, she had curly warm hair with a welcoming and bright personality and a welcoming smile that made JJ's lips nearly curl to copy, but JJ hated everything about this room.

Being here meant that she wasn't okay, and she was. Well, she's not, that's obvious, but she'll keep saying she was fine until she and everyone around her believed it.

"How are you today?" The woman picked up her notepad, looking at JJ as she waited for the girl to speak.

"Fine." JJ's answer was short, as normal.

Dr. Loomis had thought they were making progress, as their first session after the tsunami seemed to be a turning point. JJ had opened up slightly in that session. But now the girl's walls were back up and she seemed as cold as ice.

That was because of the pills JJ was relying on to get through the day, as they made her numb enough to make her smile seem real. But her therapist didn't need to know that. Nobody needed to know because JJ was coping on her own and she'd be fine.

"Are you?"

JJ paused at her words because whenever someone asked her how she was, she answered with "I'm okay." Or, "I'm fine." And that was it.

But Dr. Loomis was pushing.

"Not really." JJ sighed, picking at the skin around her thumb.

Maybe if she told Dr. Loomis how she was feeling, the woman would scribble in her notebook and call it a day. It's not like she can tell her Dad anything. Therapist-patient confidentiality really had her back.

"I feel. I-" Her words got caught in her throat. "I got in a fight with Sophia." She thought it might be easier to start talking about the fight first.

"What happened?"

"Well uh, we couldn't talk for a week because of a lawsuit but I was already pushing her away anyway." JJ's eyes watered, but she blinked the tears away. "Sophia's always so adamant about helping me, and I know she means well but she pushes."

Dr. Loomis nodded, staying silent so JJ could continue.

"So when my dad called and told me the lawsuit was dropped, Sophia had gotten a similar call from her dad and she came rushing over to me. Except I didn't want her to. I'm not even sure why. She tried to hug me but I walked away and left her standing there."

"It's a normal trauma response to isolate yourself while healing." Dr. Loomis gently told her.

"I know. But I hate being alone. I blew up when Dad told me I couldn't talk to her, but then when I could talk to her again I couldn't stand the thought of it." Her lip quivered. "And then she showed up at my house and she kept pushing and pushing so I snapped and she left."

"She's been my lifeline for as long as I can remember, and now..." JJ trailed on. "Maybe this is it? Am I really broken and beyond repair?" She whispered.

"No." Dr. Loomis' voice was stern. "You're not broken. You're a strong girl and we both know you can get through this."

"That's what everyone says." JJ's red eyes met hers.

"Then maybe you need to listen to them." She said. "I have an idea."

JJ raised a brow.

"What are two things you love?" She asked.

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