Chappy 47 - Il Vit Et Nous Célébrons

Start from the beginning

"Whatever that means." Tommy said with a shrug and walked towards Jeff. Tommy raised his fist and bumped it against Jeff's own.

"Good job living another day, Jeff." Tommy said with a closed eyed smile.

"Thanks, Tom." Jeff said back "Tho, I'm sure your sis is gonna kill me anyway for pissing her off." he chuckled.

You sighed. He was alive, just like Toby said he would, so, why care? You smiled brightly. Then you noticed why everyone was in Slendy's office. They were celebrating. You saw a bunch of cheesecake on a laid out on a table enough to take up all the space and even drinks to go all around. Along with 'people food' (literally). You did noticed a plate full of organs you knew Ej and Tommy would share.

And it looked like Splender even set up a tea table for Sally. Of course it wouldn't be a party without entertainment, right? BEN set up his games that had as many players as there could be for everyone. Last but not least, a drunk Slendy and Lj. (Jeff forgave Lj by stabbing him three times in the stomach that Ej quickly stitched up)

"Why didn't you guys wake me up for this?" you asked crossing your arms.

"Because, it may be a party for me but I wanted it to be a surprise for you." Jeff said with a smile.

You made a "Awwww" and hugged Jeff once more.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Jane shouted and blasted the music.

And so the party began. You decided to spend your time with Tommy and Jeff. The only time you needed to leave them was when Smile Dog threw up on you because Sally gave him too many sweets from her tea party. Which made you had to go change out of Jeff's now ruined jacket. Although, Smile thought it was worth it. You, Jeff, and Tommy played Super Smash Bros (Game Cube) with BEN which Tommy won each time even when you were really trying.

"Tommy! Stop winning! My ego is dying!" Jeff complained.

"Is it even the first time?" Tommy said with a smirk.

"No" Jeff pouted.

"Come on Tommy, BEN has to be cheating for you!" you said, thinking it was true.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooo" Tommy said suspiciously.

"Tommy." you said with a smirk knowing you were right.

"Okay! BEN you can stop." Tommy said with a sigh turning to the screen.

"Did they notice I was gone?" BEN said popping out of the TV.

"No, they just realized I was too good to be true." Tommy pouted.

"Okay, fair fight everyone." you said starting the game and picking your favorite character (F/C/N) (<-favorite (GAME CUBE VERSION!) character name)

(All the comments be like "LINK!") (Mines Zelda :3)

Even though BEN and Tommy weren't cheating anymore, Tommy still somehow won each round. You even kept a good eye on BEN! But you didn't care, you were having fun. You were getting bored of playing, so you decided to have some fun by dressing up Jeff and Tommy as princesses and making them have tea with Queen Sally. (You were the royal knight)

"Why can't I be the knight! I'm a guy!" Jeff complained and crossed his arms over his pink dress.

"Now, my princess, we don't want you straining yourself now do we?" You said barely able to keep in your laughter in. You turned to Sally and whispered.

"C'est marant"! you unnecessarily whispered.

"Je sais, bien?" Sally said back and chuckled.

"What are you speaking?" Tommy asked totally confused.

"Français, mon petit frére." you told him with a smile.

"....What?" He said again confused.

"French, little brother. I'll teacha later." you said, "After all, my little princess deserves the best." you joked serving Tommy more tea.

Jeff looked at Tommy. Tommy looked at Jeff. Then they both shrugged and ate their cheesecake with their silverware.

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