You get up and stretch before going to the bathroom and clean your face.
Y/N: Hah. Nothing like a good facial to help you start the day.
Ddraig: Indeed. So, are you ready for your date?
Y/N: What date?
Ddraig: With Allison.
Y/N: Oh yeah. But that's on Sunday.
Ddraig: Partner. Today is Sunday.
Y/N: Yep. *Realizes* Oh God!
You dash out of your bathroom and search through your drawers and closet.
Tiamat: Mmm. Hmm? Issei? What are you doing?
Y/N: What time is it?!
Tiamat: What?
Tiamat: Gah! Don't scream please! It's...10:30.
Y/N: Phew.
You search through your drawers but at a slower pace.
Yamato: What's with all the screaming? Issei. Miki wanted me to bring you breakfast.
Y/N: Thanks Yamato. But I have a date today and I need to get ready.
Yamato: Really?! With who?!
Y/N: This girl at my school Allison. She's the Archery Queen and is one of the top beauties at the school.
Tiamat: I guess you must feel quite lucky to have a date with her.
Y/N: I mean, yeah. She hates men and I'm the only one she seems to tolerate who isn't in the club.
Tiamat: Oh! Then you must be the creme de la crop or something.
Y/N: Maybe. I just don't know how well I'll do. I mean, it could just lead to nothing and our relationship just stays as friends or we could be something and-
Yamato: Calm down Issei. You'll do fine. Just relax and don't stress. That's what I did when I was asked out by other familiars.
Y/N: Right. Just relax.
Yamato: Exactly. Now, eat your breakfast so you won't be too hungry when you arrive.
Y/N: Thanks Yamato.
Yamato pats you on the back as her and Tiamat leave. When they go downstairs they see the girls all sitting at the table with their hands together like they're making a plan.
Tiamat: What are you girls doing?
Rias: We're deciding on positions.
Yamato: For?
Eve: Spying on Issei during his date.
Tiamat: Ah. Let me join. I kinda wanna see where this goes.
Yamato: Really? Can't we just wait here and ask him when he gets back?
The girls:
Yamato: Fine. Where are we hiding?
Kiba gets up and answers and sees the SC.
Kiba: Oh! Hi Sona.
Sona: Hello Kiba. Where's Rias?
Kiba: The kitchen.

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)
ActionYou died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.