You died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.
Zatouji: Hey guys! I was busy helping the other familiars here and-
Zatouji: AAAAAAHHHHH!!! WHY!!!
You throw her and she crashes through yep, more trees until she hits a boulder and it cracks.
Tiamat: Ugh...
She looks up and sees you walking towards her. She blinks and your right in front of her with your fist cocked back.
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Tiamat: !
She rips a piece of the boulder and slams it on you but you block it making it shatter. You kick her back and she struggles but manages to recover and shoots more magic blasts from her mouth.
Y/N: Water Breathing. Bare hand edition.
You activate mana vision and swipe at them with the back of your hands deflecting them.