Chapter 18: What's A God To A Non-Believer

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You punched her in the face as your arm and gauntlet were black in Armament Haki.

Tiamat: Grrr.

Y/N: Heh.

Tiamat: (Thinking) How could he do so much damage in that punch? No. He has gotten stronger but not by much. It's the fact that...

She looks over at the group watching.

Tiamat: (Thinking) They all did so much damage to me that I'm tired that is it. I'm just tired. But I have him now. I can't afford to lose.

Y/N: Man. I really owe those guys. They helped wear you down while I recovered. But don't worry. I'll end this fight.



You punched her three times and sent her flying before chasing after her.

Y/N: Thunder Rush!

You then start using Geppo.

Y/N: Let's get more ambitious!

You kick the air a bunch of time before kicking off it resulting in a burst of speed.

Y/N: Soru!

You zig zag over to her and kick down.

Tiamat: Guh!


Y/N: Not done yet!

You then kick her more into the ground and grab her leg and spinning her around.

Tiamat: Stop it! Stop it! Or I'm going to! Going to! *Gags*


Everyone sees something coming it.

Eve: Everyone move to the side!

Zatouji: Hey guys! I was busy helping the other familiars here and-


Zatouji: AAAAAAHHHHH!!! WHY!!!


You throw her and she crashes through yep, more trees until she hits a boulder and it cracks.

Tiamat: Ugh...

She looks up and sees you walking towards her. She blinks and your right in front of her with your fist cocked back.

 She blinks and your right in front of her with your fist cocked back

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Tiamat: !

She rips a piece of the boulder and slams it on you but you block it making it shatter. You kick her back and she struggles but manages to recover and shoots more magic blasts from her mouth.

Y/N: Water Breathing. Bare hand edition.

You activate mana vision and swipe at them with the back of your hands deflecting them.

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