You died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.
Tiamat: I finally found you Ddraig! Now I will kill you!
Y/N: What?!
You charge up your Aura and punch her in face sending her back.
Tiamat: So, your host knows Aura? I will admit that makes things a bit challenging.
Y/N: Ddraig! Explain! Or should I guess.
Tiamat: Oh do guess. I want to see how well you do.
Y/N: Let me guess... He borrowed your stuff and lost it and now you hate him and kill his hosts?
Tiamat: Basically. And he doesn't even know where they are so I can't find them myself.
Ddraig: I'm sorry! I checked my Treasury and they weren't in there.
Y/N: Did you look under your pile of gold?
Ddraig: Not the time!
Tiamat: Well, it doesn't matter. I will kill you again to ease my anger.
Her magic aura flares and you smirk.
Y/N: Well, then, I guess I have to use my ultimate technique.
You get in position as you aura steadily rises and she smiles.
Tiamat: Be sure to make this interesting.
You smirk and turn around.
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You dash off in the opposite direction and her eyes go bloodshot.
Tiamat: Get. Back. Here!!!
She dashes off towards you as you run.
Y/N: Ddraig! You're a bad boyfriend!
Ddraig: At least I get bitches!
Ddraig: Partner, we have no choice. We need to fight her.
Y/N: Are you kidding me?! That's a hot dragon milf who could easily break me in half. Basically one of my favorite kinds of women! Plus she's practically a God! I can't beat her.
Ddraig: Well, one, you have weird tastes. Two, you have me partner. This gear is strong enough of kill gods. I'm not saying you should kill her but you can do some decent damage.
Y/N: ... Fine!
You turn around and she's already in your face.
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