A few days have passed and have you stopped in your grind. No. With the ability to use Geppo, you started using more martial arts and until you've learned every normal martial art and now you are learning the fictional ones. For starters, the Tekken martial arts. You are currently working on Ikaros.
Y/N: Okay. So, if I put this here. And recalibrate this... Now try it.
Ikaros nods and she closes her eyes and takes a breath and she runs a diagnostic.
Ikaros: My core charge has increased by 1%.
You pump your fist up and hug her tightly.
Y/N: Yes! Let's go! I did it! Yes!
Ikaros hugs you back as her internal temperature increases a shit ton. And her face became red until she exhaled and steam hit your face.
Y/N: Ah! I see it increases you temperature huh? Guess I need to work on that.
Ikaros: No, it's fine. My system was just adjusting.
Y/N: Okay.
Rias: Well, I'm glad you figured it out. So, how about a reward?
Rias: What?
Y/N: You heard me.
Akeno: Why do you want that?
Y/N: My neighbor changed his Wi-Fi password. Theirs is faster than mine. I need revenge.
Kiba: Issei, pipe nuking their house isn't the way to get revenge.
Koneko: Yeah, you need to change their WIFI password, so it's something you know and they will go crazy trying to figure it out. And if they try to change it then change the password they need to be able to change it.
Akeno: No Koneko. You perform torture techniques on them so they give it to you. Like bdsm, or CBT, or forcing them to watch Boku no Pico.
Y/N: Those aren't bad ideas. I'll go with Koneko's plan though. Not trying to even listen to Boku no Pico.
Akeno: That makes sense.
Rias: What the hell am I listening too?
Raynare: How to get the password to the neighbors Wi-Fi.
Y/N: Yeah, but what gift could you give me since I can't get a pipe bomb?
Rias: Um... I was gonna say you and Asia were going to get familiars.
Y/N: Oh! That's cool too I guess. Do you all have one?
Akeno: Yep. We all do. Since you and Asia are the newest, you two don't. And Asia has done a good job with her contracts.
Asia: Thank you.
Y/N: Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's get some familiars.
You say putting your arm around Asia and the door opens and The SC walks in.
Sona: Sorry, but you'll have to go another time. Me and my peerage are going.
Rias: Excuse me?
Sona: Yes. I need it for my newest pawn Saji.
Y/N: Yo Saji! Pawn bros!
Saji: We're not the same man! I took 4 of her pawns pieces!
Y/N: Woah four! That's super cool. I only took 8.
Saji: 8?
Y/N: Yeah, and I didn't even become a devil, I just gained some of their perks like longer lifespan and enhanced senses.

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)
ActionYou died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.