Chapter 14: The Grind Was Only Halted. But NO LONGER!!!

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You are seen doing push-ups in your room and sweating profusely.

Ddraig: Come on partner! Just one more.

Y/N: 3...300!

You do one more and lay on the floor panting.

Ddraig: Good job! Now just 300 sit-ups, squats, and a 30 kilometer sprint.

Y/N: Yeah. Good thing I set the time to 1:00 AM.

Blair: And it's 1:30. What's the time you want to complete this in?

Y/N: 4:00. Let's get back to it.

You roll over on your back and Blair summons a gravity magic circle on your feet as you begin doing the sit-ups.

Ddraig: No balls you won't finish this is 10 minutes.

Your eyes widen as you do them faster.

Just outside the door the girls are all listening with cups.

Eve: He's really trying hard.

Ikaros: I hope he won't overexert himself.

Raynare: Me too.

Asia: I will be there to heal him if he does!

Eve: Me too.

They all giggle and listen in.

Y/N: (Muffled) 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110! 111, 112...

Ikaros: It appears that he is doing more than the workout required.

Raynare: He's probably upping it to get better results. If you keep lifting one pound dumbbells, it won't benefit you anymore as your body has gotten strong enough to use it.

Asia: That does make sense.

Y/N: (Muffled) 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, (Straining) 2...96, 2...97, 2...98, 2...9...9!

Blair: (Muffled) Just one more master!

Raynare: Come on.

Ikaros: You can do it Issei.

Asia: Come on Issei.

Eve: Just one more.

Y/N: (Muffled) 300!

The girls all jump up excited but quickly cover their mouths.

Inside your room you are laying in a puddle of your own sweat.

Ddraig: Good job partner! And in under 10 minutes!

Y/N: Yeah *pants* well, *pants* you kept saying *pants* things that piss me off.

Ddraig: And it worked.

Blair now for the squats. I'll get you some water.

You nod as you struggle to get up and manage to get on your feet and get in position.

Y/N: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

Blair opens the door and sees no one before walking downstairs and grabbing a bottle of water from the water pack. She walks back upstairs and stops.

Blair: You girls need to be more quiet if you want to spy on us.

She walks into the room and looks back to see all of them peeking out and she winks before closing the door and locking it.

Blair: Here you go.

Y/N: Thanks. You take it and open your mouth before pouring it in as you keep doing squats. You down the entire bottle.

Blair: So, I don't think I asked but how did Asia's contract go?

Y/N: It went fine. She just had to do cosplays and photoshoots. We even got to play games there.

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