|| Chapter Two ||

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A knock on Frost's door made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

She wasn't expecting any company.

She never was.

After silently slipping into her bedroom and grabbing the compact Smith & Wesson that she kept safely stashed in the nightstand beside her bed, she headed to the front door. She stepped over the creaky spot in the hallway, making sure to stay completely silent as she stopped at the door and peeked through the curtains to see who was standing on the front porch.

It was a pleasant surprise to see a certain Captain John Price waiting patiently with a tempting looking bottle of whiskey set in his hands. She sighed, clicked the safety on, and tucked the gun into the waistband of her pants before opening the door.

"Price?" she greeted with a tinge of confusion in her voice as her eyes flicked around the porch to see if anyone else was with him. Silently, she had hoped that Kate had accompanied him, but from the look of it, he was alone on this mission.

"You remember me," he said, giving her a jolly smile.

"Hard to forget a face that broke into my house in the middle of the night," she jested dryly.

"Well, technically speaking, Kate had a key and let herself in. I just happened to follow," he said, pinching the neck of the bottle between his thumb and pointer finger as he held both of his hands up in faux surrender. She worried that the bottle of amber liquid would slip from his fingers and her porch would smell like liquor for the next week no matter how hard she tried to wash it out.

"Same difference, John," she said, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe.

He hadn't realized that they were on a first name basis.

He quite liked the way his name sounded rolling off her tongue.

It was addictive.

Almost better than the taste of his best cigar.

"What're you doing here?" she asked, breaking him from the trance that her lips had put him in.

"Just thought I'd stop by for a bit of a chat and drop this off," he said, his smile remaining as he properly presented the bottle to her. She made it a note to not look at the bottle for too long before humming a quick acknowledgement and walking back inside, leaving the door wide open behind her.

"Well, don't let all the cold air in," she called out as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Price made quick work of stepping inside and shutting the door, letting the warm air of the house encapsulate him. He promptly slipped his boots off and made sure to place them against the wall by the door, noticing how all of her shoes were lined up neatly with each other. He figured she wouldn't want him dirtying the nice hardwood flooring of her cabin.

"Hungry?" she asked as he stepped into the kitchen.

It was much warmer in the kitchen compared to the foyer, which he was ever-thankful for. The trek from his truck to her house had rendered his fingers freezing and he could feel little specs of snow hiding in his beard. He took a deep breath through his nose, taking in the hearty smell that was wafting from the pot on the stove.

"Always," he said as he set the bottle of whiskey on the counter and subtly rocked onto his toes in an attempt to take a gander at whatever was in the pot without looking overly curious.

Whatever it was, it smelled absolutely amazing.

Frost had glanced at the bottle of whiskey again as the glass clinked against the counter. She barely paid it any mind before focusing back on the food. Price was almost a little dejected. He had picked out a nice bottle, something he figured that any person who had gone through the fits of war would appreciate. He went on to assume that perhaps whiskey just wasn't her liquor of choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2024 ⏰

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