"I don't not know who you cause I can't see you." I heard a thump behind me. Must've jumped off of something. A boy around my age walked into the sunlight with a frying pan in his hands. He had sea blue eyes and very long blonde hair. It reminds me of a story my sister loved telling every night before bed. Unfortunately,I can't remember it what it was called.

"If you struggle, it won't work. Back to my question... Who are you? And how did you find me?" He asked one more time lifting up the frying pan.

"Well it was a rough day so I'm going easy on you..." I sighed again and looked at him. "Hi. How you doing? Names Harold Styles." I tried to woo him. Didn't work

"Well Harold Styles... Something brought you here. Faith, destiny?" He asked threatening me with his frying pan.

"A horse." I answered.

He looked at me strangely. "What do you want from me? My hair? Money? Which I don't have." He mumbled the last part.

"Actually for your hair I want to get out of it." I said truthfully and he looked dumbfounded.

"Wait so you don't want my hair?" He tilted his head.

"Yes. Well you never told me your name." I said.

"Lounzel." Then a pigeon landed on his shoulder. "And this is my pigeon Kevin. Kevin doesn't like people who act like a flirt with me. But that never happens." The pigeon glared at me while Lounzel looked upset.

"Nice name and story, but can I get out of here before-" I then realized that I didn't have my bag."Wait where's my bag?!"

"I hid it somewhere you'll never guess where." He said proudly. I looked around and saw a pot.

"Is it in that pot?"


I blacked out again then slowly recovered with his bird slapping me awake and the boy spoke again. "Okay now I hid somewhere you can't guess where. But I'm offering you a deal. If you take me to see the stars-" he showed me a painting of him I'm guessing looking at the annual lantern lighting.

"You mean the lanterns? That happens on the prince's birthday?" He nodded.

"Oh so that's what they're called." He mumbled. "But anyway if you take me to go see them I'll give back your bag. And if I promise something I always keep that promise."

"How about the other way around?" No response... "Alright you leave me no choice... Here come the hair flip." I flip my curls still no response. Dang he's good. "Fine I'll take you to see the lanterns!" I gave in.

"Really?!" He shouted and the chair forward and I landed on the ground with a big


"Sorry!" He yelled

Lounzel POV

"You coming blondly?!" Harold yelled and I looked down and he's climbing down.

Look at the world - so close, and I'm halfway to it!

Look at it all - so big - do I even dare?

Look at me - there at last! - I just have to do it

Should I?


Here I go...

Kevin started flying out I start sliding down my hair. I'm love this! I'm going really fast. This is so fun! I looked down how close I was to the ground then I stop, I'm 1 foot away. I stepped down and I start to giggle. This is awesome! I'm outside!

Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!

Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me

I ran into some water and splash it on myself feeling relieved.

For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!

I could go running

And racing

And dancing

And chasing

And leaping

And bounding

Hair flying

Heart pounding

And splashing

And reeling

And finally feeling

Now's when my life begins!'

Some birds flew around me making me giggle. "I can't believe I did this!! What would Mumther say?"

I'm on a tree branch with my head on the middle. "I'm a terrible son. I need to go back." I told myself.

I start to have fun for the first time. "I'm never going back!!!!" I hugged Harold.

Now I'm in a cave. "Mumther will be mad. This isn't fun." Talking to Kevin.

I kicked some leaves and yelled, "This is so fun!" I did cartwheels, face planted into the grass, and swinged on my hair and yelled...


Tangled (Larry Stylinson spin off)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें