chapter 1 episode 13

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right now , I was at the computer..

I layed across my bed and was trying to do some research on asami's mental illness..

as music played In my house , I looked up his illness

borderline personality disorder
also known as: BPD , emotional dysregulation disorder.

overview- a mental disorder characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships.

i knew I didn't have to go this deep but I wanted too.


- fear of abandonment. people with bpd are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone.

- self-harm

" that's a big one" i said making a face

- extreme emotional swings

" okay so now ' ptsd' "I said looking that up

also known as: ' ptsd'

~ a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.

as I read , my phone rung " hello?" I said answering

" what you doing ?" lani asked

" nothinggg." I expressed

" mmm , you want some food?" she asked

" uh yeah , where you at?" I said rubbing my stomach

" by subway , sonic , mcdonalds , cfa" she said

" ouu cfa" I said smiling

" okay , i know what to get you" she said

" okay thank youuu" I said

" love you too" she said before hanging up

after she did , the music went back to playing.


I started looking up the traits .. even though he has been in a psychiatric hospital .. I wouldn't treat him any differently from my other patients..

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