chapter 1 episode 12

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12:45pmI woke up to my alarm going off , I stretched across my bed then rose up

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I woke up to my alarm going off , I stretched across my bed then rose up..

hoping off the bed , I walked to the bathroom to use it.

today I had to go back to work , although I only had one client now.. and he was around my age and a male

last night I stayed up a little late to do research on him , just to see what he was in the hospital for.

after using it , I took a shower and freshen myself up , I also had enough time to wash my hair ..

as I rubbed my body off , I lathered myself in scented lotion and Vaseline.

as I put my under clothes , I looked In my closet for scrubs.

I found a light blue pair and put them on along with crocs.

I then made my way back to my mirror and put my hair in a bun , " I hope today go by fast" I said now spraying perfume.


now getting off the elevator the time was now 1:52pm ..

" goodmorning ms.ray" mrs.sinclair said

" goodmorning , feels good to be back" I expressed.

" we're happy to have you back" she smiled

I made my way to clock in then the locker , " you finally came back huh" I heard a voice say

I turned around and it was ryan smiling ..

" oh hey , and yeah I am" I said

" good , I missed my partner" he said licking his lips

he just licked his lips at me ??

oh noo

" missed you too!" I said closing my locker , now going to the desk to get the paperwork.

" goodmorning ms.ray , here's your file"  she said handing me a tan folder

" thank you" I said before opening it .. I walked to the back to look through it ..

the name was asami , and that's all it had .. no middle or last name

the age was 22 and it just had male as the gender.

also seeing that he had ptsd , and borderline personality disorder..

I closed the folder and made my way to the room.

walking on the elevator I went down .. waiting the door finally opened

I made my way down the hall and found the room ..

the lights were off and it was cold ..

I looked in the room to see the male sitting on his bed .. looking on his back there were long scratches..

I stepped in his room and knocked on the door softly.

he had his head down , stepping closer he had brown and black dreads coming down stopping at his lips , he was lightskin with tattoos ..

" hi.. asami? , my name is ms.ray but you can call me chase" I said as I smoothed my hair back ..

as I made my way to the chair he picked his head up..

" so it says you're in here for a couple of bruises and cuts" I said watching him move his fingers

I figured he wasn't a talker..

I got up and set my papers down , I carefully made my way to him to examine his cuts.

he moved his head up and I looked at his features .. light complexion , medium sized lips , and his eyes were low

" can I see this arm?" I said putting on gloves

he slightly nodded his head and I softly picked up his arm.

the cuts looked like it was done with knives and he had them on his stomach

I felt him starring at me and looked up , I then noticed he had heterochromia.

one eye was light brown and the other was dark brown..

" your eyes are pretty ." I said trying to make conversation , he just looked at me.

" well .. your cuts aren't that deep so I'll just keep you in here for a couple of days" I expressed

" also if it's okay with you , c- can I move your room to upstairs? I work up there" I said taking off my gloves

he nodded his head and started moving his fingers again.

" okay.. that's all I have to do today asami , I'll be here tomorrow.."  I said standing up and grabbing the papers.

I threw the gloves away and headed for the door , maybe he'll talk tomorrow..

as I made my way down to my floor I went to put in the report.

" did you get any information?" the lady at the desk asked

" no I didn't , he doesn't really talk" I said making a face

" yeah , he hasn't said anything since he's been here .. but the doctor did say he come from a psychiatric hospital.. so be ' careful' " she explained

" oh okay.. , I seen in the paper work , does he have meds ?" I asked

" he does , he can start tomorrow" she said

" okay and can you change his room to up here ? since this is my floor" i said

" That's fine  , just finish putting in your report and you're good to go" she said

I did just that and headed to my locker to grab my things , the time was only 3:23pm

ouuu I'm so hungry

I think I want chipotle..

I rubbed my stomach and grabbed my things , " leaving already?" one of my coworkers asked

" oh yeah , I only have one client right now" I said closing the locker

" oh okay , have a good rest of your day!" she said

" okay , you too" I said walking out the door.

the endsssss , okay lmk yall

should I make asami a love interest , it's more to him that yall will see but it's just a suggestion

anywaysss .. vote , like and comment ! ❤️

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