You walk in and see a bunch of other stray priests. Like, way more than in the anime.
Kalawarner: Surprised? We got more reinforcements so that way we can take you down.
Y/N: I can see your panties from down here. Or lack there of.
Kalawarner gets red in the face but Dohnaseek puts his hand on her shoulder.
Dohnaseek: We'll deal with him soon. Let's go stop any more reinforcements from stopping us.
Kalawarner: Let's.
They leave and you and Ikaros get ready as the stray priests slowly walk towards you.
Y/N: This calls for some battle music.
You pull out your phone and play a song.
You smile and they charge at you two and you two charge back.
Y/N: Hah!
You punch one hard launching them into others and knocking a few down.
Ikaros shoots at some rendering them immobile.
Even more show up and you smile and lightning cackles around you.
Y/N: Thunder Breathing Close Combat Edition. First Form!
You dash at them and they all have punch marks on their faces as they get sent flying in different directions.
Y/N: Thunderclap and Fist!
Ikaros shoots more down as some more surround you.
We see the ORC walking to the abandoned church.
???: I don't think so.
They stop as a light spear lands just before them and they look up to see Kalawarner and Dohnaseek.
Kalawarner: Hello devils.
Rias: Hello Fallen.
Akeno: Hello tramp.
Kalawarner: If I receive one more insult about how I'm dressed I swear to!
Dohnaseek: It's fine. Our plans are almost complete. We just gotta keep you busy until it does.
More stray priests show up with weapons ready.
Rias: Koneko, Kiba. Go help Issei.
Kiba: Are you sure Rias?
Rias: Yes.
Akeno: I've taken on quite a number of men at one but this might be a new record. I can't wait to hear your screams. *Licks lips*
Koneko: Let's go Kiba.
Kiba: But, they're vastly outnumbered.
???: Then she won't be alone.
They turn and see the Student Council walking towards them.
Sona: Sorry we're late.
Rias: What are you doing here?
Sona: You forget, we both share this property. It took us awhile but we managed to find their base of operations.
Akeno: Well, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)
ActionYou died and God said you get to be sent into the DXD world as Issei. Now as Issei you will become the strongest there is with your knowledge of the world and fighting styles from other anime you will be unstoppable.