Chapter 11: It's About To Go Down!

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You walk in and see a bunch of other stray priests. Like, way more than in the anime.

Kalawarner: Surprised? We got more reinforcements so that way we can take you down.

Y/N: I can see your panties from down here. Or lack there of.

Kalawarner gets red in the face but Dohnaseek puts his hand on her shoulder.

Dohnaseek: We'll deal with him soon. Let's go stop any more reinforcements from stopping us.

Kalawarner: Let's.

They leave and you and Ikaros get ready as the stray priests slowly walk towards you.

Y/N: This calls for some battle music.

You pull out your phone and play a song.

You smile and they charge at you two and you two charge back.

Y/N: Hah!

You punch one hard launching them into others and knocking a few down.

Ikaros shoots at some rendering them immobile.


Even more show up and you smile and lightning cackles around you.

Y/N: Thunder Breathing Close Combat Edition. First Form!

You dash at them and they all have punch marks on their faces as they get sent flying in different directions.

Y/N: Thunderclap and Fist!

Ikaros shoots more down as some more surround you.


We see the ORC walking to the abandoned church.

???: I don't think so.

They stop as a light spear lands just before them and they look up to see Kalawarner and Dohnaseek.

Kalawarner: Hello devils.

Rias: Hello Fallen.

Akeno: Hello tramp.

Kalawarner: If I receive one more insult about how I'm dressed I swear to!

Dohnaseek: It's fine. Our plans are almost complete. We just gotta keep you busy until it does.

More stray priests show up with weapons ready.

Rias: Koneko, Kiba. Go help Issei.

Kiba: Are you sure Rias?

Rias: Yes.

Akeno: I've taken on quite a number of men at one but this might be a new record. I can't wait to hear your screams. *Licks lips*

Koneko: Let's go Kiba.

Kiba: But, they're vastly outnumbered.

???: Then she won't be alone.

They turn and see the Student Council walking towards them.

Sona: Sorry we're late.

Rias: What are you doing here?

Sona: You forget, we both share this property. It took us awhile but we managed to find their base of operations.

Akeno: Well, your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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