Life At Torchwood

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Airiana's POV

I sat up and yawned. Another early day in Torchwood. That was my father's business. Well, the name of it. It was outside of the government, the police, everything. We went around catching aliens and saving people. The twenty first century is where it all changes. And if you aren't prepared, you're going to die. But let's not talk about the scary stuff. Let's talk about the cool stuff.  Like all the awesome gadgets you could get! Most of them were built by our inventor Suzie. There were about five people working at Torchwood, including my dad. There was Tosh who was our computer  geek, Owen who specialised in the medical department and did autotopsies, Suzie who always made all kinds of new inventions for us to use, and Ianto, who was the secretary. With a gun. Everyone carried a gun at their side in Torchwood. Just in case. I myself was there to take out aliens. I had skills with my weapons and used them well. But I also did things so that I could upgrade our weaponry. But most of the time, I was there to take over for others or act as a mechanic as fix things like the coffee maker. But if, say Tosh was out of town and needed someone to take over for her, I was the only one who could take over in her computer. Everyone else wouldn't have been able to tell the flux compacator file from the internet without me. Anyway, that morning, I felt rather groggy, so I went to see if I could get some coffee. Nobody was at work yet, so the floor was cold and the air was humid. It was nicer the base was underground so we got the water from the ground above. I went over to the coffee pot that was normally only ever operated by Niyanto. But I was here first. That's when I heard something creeping up behind me and I dropped the coffee pot and aimed my gun in the direction. I was trained dice I was five to point the first, see if you know who it is, make sure they are the real person, and if they aren't or they're an alien, kill them. This time, it was my dad. He held his hands up and laughed.

"Whoa, hold on there! It's just me!" He said. I laughed and put my gun away. 

"Sorry dad." I said. He came over and gave me a hug.

"It's alright. You're jut do'in what I taught you." He told me. Then he clapped his hands together and looked towards the empty coffee pot in the floor. "So how's coffee making going for you?" 

"Well I was making it before I nearly shot you." I told him. 

"Wait, Airiana's trying to do something that involves cooking? Run for your lives!" I heard Owen shout as he came in. I shot him with my little dart gun I had gotten when I was two, even though I knew how to use a real one by the time I was four. 

"Hey, I may not be able to make an omelet without nearly destroying the base, but I can at least make a cup of coffee!" I yelled back. It was true. I couldn't cook without nearly blowing up the base, a few dozen times. Tosh came in soon after laughing as she heard me. Then she plunked at her computer and started work. Tosh never wasted time. Then it was Suzie who walked in. She wasn't laughing or even smiling. She looked determined, as if she was up to something. I saw a metal finger poking out her bag. The glove. She had created a glove that could bring people back to life. She must have brought it home. The crew was not supposed to do that! Most of the stuff we didn't know what it could do and if they took it the stuff home, they could end destroying the planet. I wondered if I should tell my dad. I decided not to. We had been having a lot of deaths happening and using the glove had been not working because the dead people always freak out. The last guy that we had come across we had told him that he was injured and he wasted the two minutes that we had to talk to him by screaming for an ambulance. Our progress was so slow, it could have been a mountain forming. But we still tried. The police couldn't figure out who was doing this, so we stepped in, but it was impossible to figure out. But we were Torchwood and we were going to figure it out. Because that's what we did.

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