Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Jinah's POV

"Yah, Ri wake up! You're gonna be late for school, and it's the first day of the last year! You don't want to miss it, do you?" I shouted at my best friend, Seunghyun, who was still sleeping in bed. It was still early, but we had to get to our boarding school in time.

"Stop acting like you're my mum, Jinne! And its still 4 in the morning." He shouted back, pulling his covers up above his head, obviously showing that he didn't want to go to school.

"Humph, fine then. There might be some pretty new girl and you're gonna miss it 'cause you're sleeping!" I said, forcing the covers off him.

"Fine." Seunghyun said, and got up. Seriously? He doesn't get up if I tell him to, but he gets up when I tell him there might be a cute girl!? Aish, this player...

"Make sure you have all your belongings! We can't go back while going to school, so get going!" Seungri's mum, Mrs. Lee, said from downstairs, topping off my little 'scolding session'.

"Fine," Seungri groaned, and started going down the stairs. I grabbed my suitcases and my bags and headed downstairs too.

Seunghyun and I are best friends since we were little, and we go to the same boarding high school too. Even though his real name is Seunghyun, everyone calls him Seungri, which means victory in Korean. Today is the first day of my senior year in high school-which also means that I'll be graduating this year.

When we got ready, Seungri's mother drove both of us to our boarding school 25 km away from our neighbor hood. I slept through most of the ride, and a sleepy Seungri woke me up when we got to our high school.

"Thank you for the ride, Mrs. Lee," I quickly said to Seungri's mum. I added a few seconds later, "and please take care of my parents while I'm here, they tend to get really emotional when I'm not around." Mrs. Lee just laughed softly and waved us goodbye.

"Jin are you coming or not?" Ri asked me rather grumpily. I guess he was still sleepy.

We entered the main hall, and saw our four other friends, Lee Hyukjae, Lee Donghae, Kang Daesung, and Gong Minzy.

"OMG, Jinnie, Ri! How was your summer!?" Minzy rushed over to us like there was no tomorrow.

"It was fine," I replied, smiling to see my school friends again.

After a few minutes of talking to Minzy and Daesung, we decided to head to our seats in the hall. The seats were assigned, but luckily, I was next to my two friends, Donghae and Hyukjae.

"Soooooo, has things gotten official yet?" Donghae whispered to me. I looked back at him, puzzled. At the corner of my eye, I saw Ri talking with Minzy and Daesung in their seats. They were discussing something too.

"Uh, Hae, what do you mean by 'official'? If you're talking about my ex, then no, I haven't gotten back with him, but-" I answered, but Hyukjae cut me off.

"Of course not with your ex, Jinah. We meant our 'ship'. Remember last year, after you broke up with him?"

"What ship...? Am I missing out on something?" I answered, not fully remembering what happened last year. Now Hyukjae and Donghae were whispering to each other. Suspicious.

But what did they mean by 'official'?

I snapped out of my thoughts as a screeching noise came from the center stage. The principal's orientation and speech began. Great, now I have to listen, or at least pretend to listen. Our principal has eagle eyes.

After a torturing forty minutes of boring speech and going over the rules, we were able to go to our dorms. When I was walking towards our dormitories, I kept on thinking about the 'ship' I'm missing out on.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Daesung tapped me on the shoulder, giving his heavenly smile at me.

"Daesung-ah! How was your holiday?" I started the conversation, just to realize that he was not smiling, but smirking.

"I heard from Hae. We need to do something with you two, right, Minzy?" He called over to Minzy, still smirking.

"Definitely. My ship making career shall start now!" Minzy laughed 'evilly'. By this point, not only was I puzzled, but I could also clearly see that Ri was also questioning the two too.

"We should get going," Ri said, still clearly puzzled about earlier.

"Yeah, we should. Come on, let's go!" Minzy said, still having that smirk of hers, pulled on my arm. I had no choice but to follow her to the dorms.


Thank you for waiting so long! I needed to finish my exams, tests, and all that stuff... I will try to update the next chapter after I write it, so please look forward to it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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