Chapter Twenty-Two-Black Ink

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Chapter Twenty-Two-Black Ink

I scratched my legs, my nails running against the scratchy fabric of my required uniform, wanting to tear them off. I was quietly seated next to Draco, who had his chin resting in the palm, as Dumbledore gave his routinely speech at the beginning of each year. Draco continues to disinterestedly stare into nothingness as the sorting ceremony began and the Sorting Hat sang his routinely song. I payed no attention to  the majority of the students until Florence was called up.

"Creevey, Florence," Professor McGonagoll called out, The small girl walked forward hesitantly as the hat was placed on her head. The hat took a little longer to make it's decision, but then it called out its final answer.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" it screeched. Florence looked happy with her new house as she skipped to take a seat at their house table. She looked at all the houses around her, stopping at me when her eyes wandered over to the Slytherin house. I sent her a subtle wink before I looked away and grabbed some of the food displayed in front of me. Draco still wasn't paying any attention.

"Draco, why don't you get something to eat?" I ask, softly nudging him with my elbow.

"I'm fine, my love. I had a lot on the train with Crabbe and Goyle," he tried to tell me. I looked over to Crabbe and Goyle for confirmation, but they were busy stuffing their faces.

"Are you sure?" I double check, lacing our hands together.

"You care too much, Elora, it's endearing," he teases, a glimmer back in his eyes.

"Only for you, my love,"  I joke back, trying to fall back into our routine from year five. Blaise was sitting across from us when he starting snickering into his sleeve.

"What's your problem, Zabini?" Draco sneered, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Who would have actually thought that Malfoy is a sappy romantic?" Blaise let out a whooping laugh, ignoring the dirty glare Draco was giving him.

"At least I know how to treat my partner right," Draco said proudly, causing me to smile in warmth, "Maybe your mother could learn to do the same."


The feast was as filling as ever, making me crave sleep more than I had ever wanted to. I was on the way to the Slytherin common room when I felt a tug on my robes. There Florence was, completely stranded from the Hufflepuff first years.

"Hi, Elora!" she grins from ear to ear.

"Hi, Florence. Where's everyone in your house?" I question her carefully, quirking one of my eyebrows.

"We were heading to the common room, but I saw you, and wanted to say hello," she said bashfully while clicking her heels together anxiously.

"That's so sweet of you," I laugh, "but we really do need to get you to your common room. I'll take you there."

"Thank you! You're so much nicer than some of the Slytherin people I've already met," she beams as she follows me in the hallways.

"Remember what I said about stereotypes," I remind her how a mother would, trying not to be mean.

"I know, I know," she sighed.

"You're a Creevey, right? Don't you have two brothers that go here?" I question, starting up another conversation.

"Yep! I have two brothers, Collin and Dennis. They're both in Gryffindor though," she suddenly stops walking, "I'm just the odd one out.

"No, you're the cute little black sheep of the family. Own it," I smile before I see a random Hufflepuff student. I stalk over to him, Florence trailing behind me. He looked extremely alarmed to see a Slytherin to come talk to him.

"May I help you?" he asked nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"This is, Florence, one of the first years in her house. She seemed to have wandered off," I hum, tapping a finger to my lips, "It would be quite a shame if someone went to Professor Snape about this, don't you think?"

"It really would, come on Florence, let's get you to the common room!" the boy stuttered, quickly chasing Florence upstairs.

"Thank you!" Florence called and I sent her a little wave before heading to my old little private room. I slipped into the common room, not saying hi to anyone, and found my way to my room. I was completely knackered, but that all changed when I saw Draco sobbing on the bed. He had changed out of his uniform, he was in pajama pants and a grey short sleeved shirt. That's when I saw it. That's when I saw the black ink that scarred his skin.

"Draco," I whispered before kneeling in front of him. It completely broke my heart, seeing him like this. The tables had completely turned from the start of last year.

"I hate it, I hate it so much," he cried, clutching his left arm too.

"Draco, Draco, look at me," I beg him, using my hands to turn his face towards me. His icy blue eyes stood out in their newly red background.

"How do you not hate me?" he whispered with all the vulnerability mustering in his voice.

"I could never hate you, my love," I reassure him, "In all honesty, I hate the mark on your arm. I completely despise it. I despise what it stands for. I despise how it is killing you on the inside, but I can never, EVER, despise you."

"I love you so much," he sighed, resting his forehead against my shoulder, "I don't deserve you."

"No, Draco, you deserve so much more than what you've got," I whisper, holding him close. I'm not the one falling anymore, I'm the one who will hold their arms out, willing to catch my love no matter how much impact I'll take in the end.


(A/N-Hi everyone! I'm gonna say it again, but my friend Sarah has written a Sirius fic that is Sirius and Felicity's relationship. It's very adorable you know. It's so cute I can't deal with it. Definitely read it though, you'll start to notice some parallels within the story.

I hope your day is going great.

All the love .x)

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